Tag: garlic

Watch: Don’t Throw Away Garlic Or Onion Peels, Turn Them Into Tasty Seasonings

Watch: Don’t Throw Away Garlic Or Onion Peels, Turn Them Into Tasty Seasonings

[ad_1] Many Indian households use garlic and onion in their cooking daily. When you do that, you must be throwing away the garlic and onion peels daily, right? Well, say goodbye to this habit, as we have two amazing recipes you can make from the seemingly 'waste'  - garlic and onion peels. These recipes are posted on social media by Joe, who shares tips to grow fruit and vegetables on his Instagram handle (joesgarden.official). Now, what does he do with these peels? He turns them into garlic and onion peel seasonings that can be used to make delicious recipes. The garlic peel powder video has gone viral, amassing more than 7 million views. Let's see how to make this recipe.Also Read: 7 Amazing Ways To Re-Use Leftover Vegetable And Fruit PeelsHow to Make Garlic Peel Powder at HomeThis gar...
Raw Garlic And Honey For Weight Loss: Eat This Combination On Empty Stomach To Lose Weight Fast

Raw Garlic And Honey For Weight Loss: Eat This Combination On Empty Stomach To Lose Weight Fast

[ad_1] Losing weight isn't very easy, but even small healthy habits can go a long way in making your weight loss journey a little bit quick and easy. There are some dietary practices that can help you get results faster like drinking warm water in the morning as well as before meals, or snacking healthy, etc. If you're someone who wants to lose weight, then you would probably be familiar with these little tricks and home remedies for weight loss. However, there's another lesser known home remedy for weight loss, which not many weight watchers are aware of - eating garlic seeped in honey on an empty stomach. A combination of honey and garlic might not seem very appetising, but it is very beneficial, when it comes to weight loss and improving your overall well-being. Consumption of raw gar...
7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Garlic

7 Surprising Health Benefits Of Garlic

[ad_1] There is something irresistible about the aroma of roasted garlic. It is so captivating with its powerful notes, that it has long been used as a flavour booster in curries, stir-fries, pizza toppings, pastas, meat preparations, dips - you name it! It has the power to instantly liven up any dish and treat some of the most common ailments.  While garlic is a common ingredient in every kitchen, in the ancient times, it was highly valued for its numerous health benefiting properties, which are still followed in many cultures today. Our ancestors have used it as a bug-repellant, Medieval Europe against plague and the Egyptians would even bury it along with their dead! Some benefits of garlic are credited to the presence of the sulphur-containing compound, Allicin, found in fresh, crush...
Why You Should Try Black Garlic – Top Health Benefits And Cooking Tips

Why You Should Try Black Garlic – Top Health Benefits And Cooking Tips

[ad_1] Garlic is undeniably versatile - which is why so many people love cooking with it. Did you know that it is botanically considered a vegetable? But due to its typical pungent aroma, we use it as a spice or herb - to lend flavour to many types of foods. Garlic can be consumed plain or crushed, chopped, blended, powdered, etc., before being added to other dishes. Today, allow us to introduce you to a different kind of garlic that you may not have heard of - black garlic. This ingredient is equally wonderful to work with, and it will show just how amazing garlic can be.Also Read: How To Braid Garlic: An Easy Way To Preserve Garlic For MonthsWhat Is Black Garlic?Black garlic is said to be good for your liver, brain and heart. Photo Credit: iStockWhen regular garlic is aged using heat a...
6 Different Garlic Chutneys You Are Sure To Relish (Easy Recipes Inside)

6 Different Garlic Chutneys You Are Sure To Relish (Easy Recipes Inside)

[ad_1] Garlic is a miracle ingredient, not only in terms of taste but also health benefits. Just a little bit of garlic in any form can take any dish to the next level. So many Indian delicacies derive their mouth-watering taste from the addition of garlic. One of the best ways to enjoy its flavour is through a chutney. And there isn't just one version of garlic chutney, but multiple. Whether you're in the mood for something spicy or tangy, something simple or impressive, we've got you covered. We have listed down 6 different garlic chutney recipes that you should not miss. Check them out below.Also Read: Cooking Hack: Make Garlic Powder In Bulk With Fresh Garlic In 5 Easy StepsHere Are 6 Delicious And Easy Garlic Chutney Recipes You Must Try:Photo Credit: iStock1. Simple Garlic ChutneyT...
Don’t Throw Away Onion-Garlic Peels, Make This Yummy Powder With It

Don’t Throw Away Onion-Garlic Peels, Make This Yummy Powder With It

[ad_1] Indian cuisine is so vast and diverse and there is so much variety to be found in every part of the country. There are certain foods, however, that are quite commonly used in Indian cooking. Onion, garlic, ginger, tomato and chillies are typically used in making Indian gravies and main course dishes. We usually peel and chop up these vegetables and condiments, and discard the peels. But did you know they are actually the most flavourful parts and nutritious too? Rather than throwing away the onion and garlic peels, it is a good idea to bring them into use again and make a yummy powder with them that can be used as an excellent flavouring agent.  What Is Onion-Garlic Peel Powder?The onion-garlic powder is basically a powdered version of onion and garlic. Although it can be made wit...
Cooking Hack: Make Garlic Powder In Bulk With Fresh Garlic In 5 Easy Steps

Cooking Hack: Make Garlic Powder In Bulk With Fresh Garlic In 5 Easy Steps

[ad_1] Garlic is a staple ingredient used in many kitchens around the world. It adds depth and flavour to almost any dish - from soups, and marinades to dips and dressings. While fresh garlic is easily available at most grocery stores, garlic powder is a convenient alternative that can be made from fresh garlic buds. It is easy to make and can be used in a variety of dishes. Making your own garlic powder at home is not a tough task; you just need to know the right steps to prepare it. This is why we have listed down a detailed process of preparing garlic powder at home.Also Read: Save Onion Peels And Try This Viral Recipe For Onion Peel Powder (Masala)How To Make Garlic Powder At Home I Simple Steps To Make Garlic Powder:1. Buy Good GarlicTo make garlic powder, you need to buy fresh garl...
What To Not Order At Team Lunches: Top 5 Foods To Avoid

What To Not Order At Team Lunches: Top 5 Foods To Avoid

[ad_1] Imagine this: you are out at lunch with your boss and team. The food arrives after a long wait during which you felt forced to make small talk. You are overjoyed to finally get to eat. You dig in carefully, but it's noodles and gravy - they are difficult to manoeuvre, after all. As you try to wrangle them onto your fork, a splash of sauce stains your white shirt. This is not a detergent ad, so there are no magically quick ways to fix this situation. You can try to get the stain out later, but you have embarrassed yourself already. Such accidents happen, but it is best to avoid them altogether. You can avoid uncomfortable situations like this by simply being more careful about what you choose to eat. By making strategic decisions about what to order at team lunches, you can ensure ...
How To Keep Garlic From Sprouting – Easy Tips And Tricks

How To Keep Garlic From Sprouting – Easy Tips And Tricks

[ad_1] Garlic is regarded as an essential ingredient in Indian cooking. It has an overpowering aroma and is widely used to boost the flavour of various dishes. Not only this, many of us include garlic in our diet to improve our health. It is rich in antioxidants and may help improve our body's immune system. Because of this, we all buy it in bulk. However, have you ever noticed that garlic starts to sprout after a certain period of time? This is usually a sign that your garlic is starting to go off and may need to be discarded. So, if you want to store it for a longer period of time, we have some interesting hacks to keep the garlic from sprouting. Without further ado, let's get started with the list. Also read: Garlic Recipes: 8 Of Our Best Recipes For Garlic Lovers To Try!How Do You St...
Weekend Special: 5 Garlic Snacks To Try Over The Weekend

Weekend Special: 5 Garlic Snacks To Try Over The Weekend

[ad_1] The weekend is right here. After a long and tiring week, we all look forward to a much-needed break from our busy schedules. And everyone has different plans about how they'd like to spend their weekend. While some like to visit their favourite restaurant or catch up with friends over a cup of coffee, others prefer to stay in, relax or host a get-together at home. And if you fall in the latter category, you're at the right place. Here we bring you a list of 5 garlic snacks that you can easily prepare at home for your next dinner party over the weekend. So, without further ado, let's get started with the list.Also read: Garlic Chutney, Garlic Mayonnaise And More: 5 Garlic Side Dishes To Pair With MealsHere're 5 Garlic Snacks You Can Make At Home:1.Cheese Burst Garlic Bread (Our Rec...