Tag: gamma bursts

Mysterious Gamma-ray burst baffles scientists, causes NASA rethink on how black holes are formed

Mysterious Gamma-ray burst baffles scientists, causes NASA rethink on how black holes are formed

[ad_1] A recent NASA study could change the understanding of gamma-ray bursts and black hole formation. Know all about it here. Almost a year ago on December 11, Earth was witness to a high energy gamma-ray burst (GRB) which was suspected to be emitted from the outskirts of a galaxy around 1 billion light-years away. What made this cosmic burst unusual was the fact that it did not submit to any one pre-defined category of gamma-ray bursts. It left scientists baffled and put a doubt into their previous understanding of GRBs.According to NASA, GRBs are classified into two categories – long bursts and short bursts. Long bursts which emit gamma rays for two seconds or more and originate from the formation of dense objects like black holes in the centers of massive collapsing stars. Short ...