Tag: galaxy Image Hubble telescope

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope just captured a glittering space neighbour

NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope just captured a glittering space neighbour

[ad_1] NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is famous for capturing some of the most mysterious space images ever. NASA's Hubble Space Telescope is famous for capturing some of the most mysterious space images ever. These images are informative and help scientists in making new discoveries. Hubble Telescope is working even after the deployment of the new James Webb Space Telescope. It should have been retired by now, but Hubble Telescope keeps making new space discoveries and that makes it an extremely valuable asset. NASA's old Hubble telescope recently captured a glittering neighbour; the image looks beautiful but the main attraction is about the information and mystery it has provided to scientists to solve. Hubble captured a glittering neighbour, which is a small part of the Small Mag...