Tag: g2 geomagnetic storm

Solar storm 2024: Geomagnetic storm sparks stunning auroras around the Arctic Circle

Solar storm 2024: Geomagnetic storm sparks stunning auroras around the Arctic Circle

[ad_1] Solar storm 2024: As we approach the solar maximum, the Sun's activity is expected to increase further. The Sun has been showing its might in the last few weeks, with dangerous X-class solar flares spewing out on multiple occasions. All these solar phenomena hold the potential to cause damage on Earth to the electrical infrastructure. Technological instruments are especially at risk during these events, resulting in power blackouts and even disruption of radio communication. Just days after a G1-class geomagnetic storm hit Earth, another triggered auroras on March 3. Solar stormAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, a CME was hurled into space on February 28 by the Sun when a magnetic filament erupted that was connected to sunspot AR3592. Although it was initially not expecte...
Geomagnetic storm could be triggered by CME today, says NOAA

Geomagnetic storm could be triggered by CME today, says NOAA

[ad_1] Geomagnetic storm today: NASA's Parker Solar Probe on September 5 recorded one of the most powerful Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) ever as it flew by the Sun. According to NASA, the CME hurled out interplanetary dust to about 6 million miles, which is one-sixth of the distance between the Sun and Mercury. Astonishingly, the dust floating around in space replenished it almost immediately. Guillermo Stenborg, an astrophysicist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) who led this study said, “These interactions between CMEs and dust were theorized two decades ago, but had not been observed until Parker Solar Probe viewed a CME act like a vacuum cleaner, clearing the dust out of its path.”In a separate development, forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admi...
Geomagnetic storm caused by CME sparks rare red auroras over Scotland

Geomagnetic storm caused by CME sparks rare red auroras over Scotland

[ad_1] Solar activity has been on an upward trend in the last few months and it is expected to increase as the Sun approaches the solar maximum. Earth is set to be in the firing line of CMEs, solar storms, geomagnetic storms, and more as the peak of the Sun's 11-year solar cycle nears. Therefore, it is imperative that we keep a check on the volatile nature of the Sun for any activity that threatens Earth. Astonishingly, the present cycle has exceeded the expectations of scientists as the number of sunspots till now has already passed the total number predicted in this cycle.In a recent development, experts have revealed details about the rare form of auroras that were sparked due to a CME hitting Earth. Know details of this phenomenon and the geomagnetic storm that sparked it. CME spark...
Surprise G2-class Geomagnetic storm sparks stunning red auroras even in Missouri

Surprise G2-class Geomagnetic storm sparks stunning red auroras even in Missouri

[ad_1] 2023 has been an eventful year for astronomers and skywatchers. Not only have we witnessed several big asteroids pass by Earth at close distances, but other sky phenomena such as auroras have mesmerized us too. The planet has been continuously bombarded by solar storms since the turn of the year and not a single week has gone by without at least one incident being reported of solar particles hitting the atmosphere. Now, a geomagnetic storm surprised astronomers, and it sparked stunning red auroras which lit up the sky as far south as the US.Geomagnetic storm strikesOn May 19, a massive crack appeared in the Earth's magnetic field. Solar wind entered the planet's atmosphere through this gap and sparked a G2-class Geomagnetic storm, according to a report by spaceweather.com. Follow...