Tag: G1 Geomagnetic Storm

CME approaching Earth could spark G1-class Geomagnetic storm! Know details

CME approaching Earth could spark G1-class Geomagnetic storm! Know details

[ad_1] We have seen rampant solar activity in the past few months. Natural phenomena such as sunspot eruptions, solar storms, solar flares, geomagnetic storms, and more, have been bombarding Earth. But why? According to NASA, this is because the Sun entered solar cycle 25 in 2019 and it is expected that it will hit its peak in July 2025, thus resulting in increased solar activity even further during the peak. Although this solar activity might seem harmless due to the distance of the Sun from our planet, it can cause major damage to infrastructure. Therefore, Earth is in for a rough ride until then.Recently, forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have issued a warning against a potential CME impact that could hit Earth soon. Geomagnetic storm riskA rec...
Sun hurls out CME towards Earth! G1-class Geomagnetic Storm to hit soon

Sun hurls out CME towards Earth! G1-class Geomagnetic Storm to hit soon

[ad_1] NASA and ESA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory observes and reports any unusal solar activity occuring on the Sun's surface. Just recently, a group of Sunspots were observed emerging from a Southwestern limb of the Sun. At the moment, these Sunspots are hurling only C-class solar flares, but they would move into Earth's strike zone soon. Moreover, a Geomagnetic Storm could be on the cards which could hit Earth on March 20-21.Geomagnetic Storm riskAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, a CME was hurled into space from the Sun on March 17 when a magnetic filament erupted on the surface of the Sun and spewed out dark plasma. Dark Plasma is formed at the core of a CME and is cooler and less luminous than the Sun. NOAA experts have modeled this scenario and predicted that it c...
Sun spews out dark plasma from CME; Could spark G1-class Geomagnetic Storm soon

Sun spews out dark plasma from CME; Could spark G1-class Geomagnetic Storm soon

[ad_1] CMEs are massive plasma clouds carrying photons that are ejected from the Sun. CME occurs extremely frequently during the 11-year solar cycle and is at peak during the middle of the cycle. Earth therefore, is being bombarded at the moment with a number of CMEs sparking problems for humanity. And now, NASA and ESA's Solar and Heliospheric Observatory have recently observed dangerous dark plasma spewing out from the southwestern area of the solar surface.According to a report by spaceweather.com, this dark plasma was seen flying away from the surface of the Sun by the SOHO spacecraft. Dark Plasma is formed at the core of a CME and is cooler and less luminous than the Sun. NOAA experts have modeled this scenario and predicted that it will just graze Earth's magnetic field on March ...
Earth in the firing line of solar winds! Geomagnetic storm danger increases

Earth in the firing line of solar winds! Geomagnetic storm danger increases

[ad_1] Despite being only two months into the new year, Earth has already experienced various natural phenomena that have caused significant damage. NOAA forecasters expect dangerous M-class and X-class solar flares to erupt from the Sun today. Moreover, places such as Turkey have been hit by devastating earthquakes, resulting in a massive loss of life and widespread destruction. There has been a high level of solar activity, including solar storms, solar flares, CMEs, and other phenomena due to the incoming peak of the solar cycle.NOAA forecasters have now revealed that solar winds have emanated from the Sun and are being hurled towards Earth rapidly. According to a spaceweather.com report, these winds could impact the planet on February 26-27 and are gushing out from a coronal hole i...
Geomagnetic storm sparks rare auroras, paints the sky red in Oregon

Geomagnetic storm sparks rare auroras, paints the sky red in Oregon

[ad_1] As the solar cycle approaches its peak, Earth has seen a range of natural occurrences that have amazing consequences. Solar activity has been particularly intense, with solar storms, flares, and other phenomena affecting our planet. Recently, an X2-class solar flare struck Earth, causing a G1-class geomagnetic storm that had the potential to cause power grid failures, blackouts, and other issues. It has now been disclosed that another solar flare hit Earth a few days earlier, resulting in unusual red auroras appearing in various locations around the globe.A recent spaceweather.com report has revealed that a minor CME hit Earth on February 16. This impact sparked a G1-class Geomagnetic storm which hit the planet on the same day. Although Geomagnetic storms have the potential to d...
Geomagnetic storm, sparked by powerful X2-class solar flare, to hit Earth today

Geomagnetic storm, sparked by powerful X2-class solar flare, to hit Earth today

[ad_1] A Geomagnetic Storm is on the cards, which could potentially destroy electronics, cause power grid failures and more on Earth. An X2-class solar flare erupted on a freshly formed sunspot AR3229 just days ago on February 17. This flare was hurled out in the Earth's direction by the Sun and has been travelling towards the planet. Experts now expect this solar flare to reach Earth today and it could spark a dangerous Geomagnetic storm.According to a report by spaceweather.com, the X2-class solar flare, which was hurled towards Earth by Sunspot AR3229, could hit Earth as soon as today and spark a G1-class Geomagnetic storm, as per National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration forecasters. The report stated, “NOAA forecasters say that minor G1-class geomagnetic storms are possible ...
Geomagnetic storm hits Earth! Solar wind sparks red auroras in US

Geomagnetic storm hits Earth! Solar wind sparks red auroras in US

[ad_1] Earth has been in the firing line of various natural phenomena in the 2 months into the new year. Moreover, devastating earthquakes have plagued places like Turkey, wreaking havoc and causing major loss of life and property. Out in space, solar activity has also been at a high with solar storms, solar flares, CMEs and other phenomena impacting Earth. Now, it has been revealed that a gap in the Earth's magnetic field allowed dangerous solar wind to pass through.According to a report by spaceweather.com, solar wind passed through a gap which occurred due to a crack in the Earth's magnetic field. The report stated, “Yesterday, a crack opened in Earth's magnetic field. Solar wind poured through the gap, sparking a G1-class geomagnetic storm.” This further sparked a G-1 class Geomagn...
WARNING! Geomagnetic Storm set to hit Earth TOMORROW

WARNING! Geomagnetic Storm set to hit Earth TOMORROW

[ad_1] G1 Geomagnetic Storm hit Earth on October 29, 2022 as the volatile Sun shoots of huge amounts of energy. Here is all you need to know. Sun, which is the ultimate source of energy for Earth, will spark a G1 geomagnetic storm on planet Earth on Saturday, October 29. Informing about the same NASA's Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) said that a G1 (Minor) Geomagnetic Storm Watch is in effect for October 29 due to anticipated coronal hole high speed stream influences spewed by the Sun. "An approaching co-rotating interaction region ahead of the first of three positive polarity coronal hole high speed streams (CH HSS) is anticipated to enhance and disturb the solar wind environment and lead to unsettled conditions, with a chance for active levels and slight chance of G1 storms a...