Tag: food intolerances

What’s The Difference Between Food Allergies And Intolerances? Expert Tips For Balanced Eating

What’s The Difference Between Food Allergies And Intolerances? Expert Tips For Balanced Eating

[ad_1] Food allergies and intolerances are a reality that many people face, making it tough to enjoy a nutritionally balanced meal. It's not just about physical limitations; there's often a mental block and fear of setting off a reaction. But don't worry, there's hope! By arming yourself with knowledge about triggers and foods, and by asking the right questions when eating out, you can conquer these challenges. Moreover, governments worldwide have strict regulations to help you stay safe. They require food manufacturers to clearly identify allergens and list ingredients, empowering you to make informed choices and protect yourself. But first, let's understand the difference between food allergies and intolerance.Difference Between Allergies And IntolerancesIt is important to differentiat...
Food Allergy Or Food Intolerance? How To Tell The Difference And Protect Your Health

Food Allergy Or Food Intolerance? How To Tell The Difference And Protect Your Health

[ad_1] Physical reactions to certain foods are quite common. Did you notice strange red bumps on your skin after eating a handful of nuts or did you get a headache after eating a roti? While there can be several reasons why our body may react differently to certain foods, food allergies and food intolerances are among the most common reasons. However, most of us are unable to differentiate between the two food sensitivities. If you're someone who often faces a physical reaction after eating a particular type of food, we're here to help you out. In this article, we have curated a list of the key differences between a food allergy and a food intolerance that you should know about. Also read: Eating More Eggs May Help Decrease Egg Allergy In Children - StudyWhat Is A Food Allergy?A food all...