Tag: flying robot

Forget robots, new ‘Morphobot’ developed by Caltech, flies, drives, walks and rolls

Forget robots, new ‘Morphobot’ developed by Caltech, flies, drives, walks and rolls

[ad_1] The day of the robot is over? Well, meet the M4! It is the artificial assistant you have always craved for, but no one could ever build. The California Institute of Technology (Caltech) has developed a new RC car-sized Morphobot that can transform its structure to walk, drive, and fly. This morphobot is called M4 ( Multi-Modal Mobility Morphobot). it is built with the latest electronics, motors, and a small computer that help it decide which shape to turn into.Over the years we have seen the robotics industry evolve from the basic to what is now virtually achieving miracles. With the advance of technology and artificial intelligence helping it along the way, robotics has stepped up its game to bring high-tech robots that are like humans and M4 is a great example of this. Accordin...