Tag: fig almond shake

Need A Powerpack Milkshake On-The-Go? Try This Anjeer Badam Milkshake This Winter

Need A Powerpack Milkshake On-The-Go? Try This Anjeer Badam Milkshake This Winter

[ad_1] Winter is here and it is time for us to get cosy and enjoy the warmth of the edible gifts that it offers. The winter vegetables and fruits are packed with nutrients and taste that provide numerous health benefits to us. Anjeer, also known as Fig, is one of them. Consumed in both dry and fresh forms, these little powerhouses are a chilly season special that can also help you get radiant skin and luscious hair. Looking for an easy recipe to include in your diet? Keep reading to read the recipe for Anjeer Badam Milkshake.What Is So Special About Consuming Anjeer (Figs) In Winter?Anjeer (or figs) are superfoods that belong to the mulberry family. According to consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta, figs are highly nutritious and are packed with Vitamin A, Vitamin K, Vitamin B6, potassiu...