Tag: Fiat Chrysler

Who’s next? Chinese EVs drive Stellantis’ Jeep off the road

Who’s next? Chinese EVs drive Stellantis’ Jeep off the road

[ad_1] The first joint venture failure by a foreign brand in the electric vehicle (EV) era, the Oct. 31 bankruptcy filing marks a turning point in that Chinese carmakers are beginning to surpass the long-dominant international brands. The bankruptcy of Stellantis' Jeep joint venture in China could spell trouble for other global automakers whose output has plunged over the last five years in the world's largest car market, as domestic players rapidly overtake. The first joint venture failure by a foreign brand in the electric vehicle (EV) era, the Oct. 31 bankruptcy filing marks a turning point in that Chinese carmakers are beginning to surpass the long-dominant international brands in giving consumers what they want. "I do not expect Stellantis to be an isolated case," said Marc...