Tag: fatigue

Start Your Day Strong: 5 No-Caffeine Foods To Kickstart Your Morning!

Start Your Day Strong: 5 No-Caffeine Foods To Kickstart Your Morning!

[ad_1] We all know that eight hours of sleep is ideal for waking up fresh and energised in the morning. But let's face it, we cannot clock in the required hours of sleep every night. Whether out partying, busy working, or having a no-excuse hour of doom-scrolling, there can be many reasons to miss out on your required amount of sleep. Lack of energy can wreck your entire next day, and trust us, you do not want to chug on espresso shots or energy drinks in the morning. So, what is the solution? Well, it is right there in your kitchen. Here is a list of some simple foods (probably already in your fridge or pantry) that can help you get rid of that morning fatigue.Photo Credit: iStockHere Are 5 No-caffeine foods To Fuel You In The Morning:1. AlmondsAlmonds are a great source of B vitamins, ...
Feeling Tired All The Time? These 5 Drinks May Help

Feeling Tired All The Time? These 5 Drinks May Help

[ad_1] When we feel tired, many of us turn to drinks like coffee or tea to give ourselves a boost. While we may feel energised after consuming them, the boost rarely lasts for long. Soon, we may find ourselves feeling low again. Constant tiredness can sometimes be a symptom of other conditions or a nutrient deficiency. At other times, it is simply a result of poor dietary choices. Either way, it is important to stay away from any type of caffeinated beverage if you want to be truly energised. They only lead to a temporary spike in blood sugar levels. Instead, you should opt for natural drinks and juices that will refresh you while providing essential vitamins and minerals. Here are some of the drinks you could try:(Also Read: Feeling Lethargic? 5 Foods That May Help Combat Fatigue)5 Drin...
Low Energy Level In Men: Causes And Expert-Recommended Diet Tips

Low Energy Level In Men: Causes And Expert-Recommended Diet Tips

[ad_1] Low energy levels in young men is something I hear quite frequently from men these days. While addressing their health issues, I am mostly conversing about the ways these young men can stop feeling a lack of drive because they feel tired most of the time. I decided to read up, just to make sure that I wasn't missing something and then realised that the common reasons tabulated for low energy levels mapped well with what I heard in my consults.Also Read: Men's Health: 5 Easy Tips to Help Men Deal With StressCommon reasons for low energy levels in men:1. Poor diet choices: Most were not eating adequately, making poor choices because of which their meals were nutritionally not complete. Most of them were eating highly refined carbs, low amount of proteins and their snacks were high i...