Tag: extraterrestrial life

ET Life? NASA discovers potential extraterrestrial oceans on 17 far-off exoplanets

ET Life? NASA discovers potential extraterrestrial oceans on 17 far-off exoplanets

[ad_1] In a groundbreaking study, NASA has unveiled a revelation that expands the search for extraterrestrial life. Researchers have identified 17 exoplanets positioned beyond our solar system that might boast subsurface oceans beneath their icy exteriors. The intriguing aspect lies in the possibility of periodic eruptions, resembling geysers, breaking through the frozen crusts of these distant worlds. Subsurface OceansThe research, conducted by scientists at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center, included a meticulous analysis of geyser activity on these exoplanets. Remarkably, two of these celestial bodies are within observational reach of telescopes, presenting an unprecedented opportunity to witness these icy eruptions. This discovery holds paramount significance as the subsurface ocea...
James Webb Space Telescope reveals amazing cosmic water delivery system

James Webb Space Telescope reveals amazing cosmic water delivery system

[ad_1] In a cosmic twist, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has unveiled a celestial supply chain involving ice-covered pebbles shuttling water to newly forming planets around young stars. This groundbreaking discovery challenges traditional beliefs about the origin of Earth's water and sheds light on the interconnectedness of solar system regions from its far regions to its very centre. The JWST's unparalleled vision penetrated the dust and gas surrounding four young stars, exposing protoplanetary disks- dense gas formations encircling nascent stars. Remarkably, the telescope identified an excess of water vapor in the inner regions of two disks, hinting at the presence of icy pebbles ferrying water to developing planets closer to their host stars, according to a Weather.com report....
James Webb Telescope discovers signs of LIFE on exoplanet?

James Webb Telescope discovers signs of LIFE on exoplanet?

[ad_1] In a groundbreaking discovery, the James Webb Space Telescope has unveiled the secrets of K2-18 b, a distant world residing in the vast expanse of space far away from Earth. Astonishingly, scientists have identified the presence of carbon-based molecules, specifically methane and carbon dioxide, within the planet's enigmatic atmosphere. This celestial body, roughly 8.6 times the mass of our home planet Earth, has long been shrouded in mystery. Recent studies have hinted at a tantalising possibility – that K2-18 b's surface may be adorned with sprawling oceans of water, complemented by a hydrogen-rich veil of air. In effect, the Webb Space Telescope has revealed tantalising signs of life.K2-18 b's Celestial DanceK2-18 b traces its orbit around the enigmatic cool dwarf star, K2-18,...
Aliens: Do they exist? NASA scientist replies

Aliens: Do they exist? NASA scientist replies

[ad_1] Do you think that aliens exist? Scientists are in constant search of another form of life beyond Earth in the solar system and much beyond. From radio communications to even spacecraft, NASA has deployed a number of missions to find that out. However, nothing factual has ever emerged. Nevertheless, there are multiple theories about the existence of aliens and people are curious and want to know about whether they exist or are merely a figment of our imagination. If you too are interested in knowing what NASA scientists think about the exitence of extraterrestrial life, then just read on.Extraterrestrial lifeNASA says that extraterrestrial life has not been discovered, but that does not rule out its existence. NASA's astrobiologis Lindsay Hays says, "We are dedicated to exploring ...
The elusive ET found? Alien-friendly conditions detected on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

The elusive ET found? Alien-friendly conditions detected on Saturn’s Moon Enceladus

[ad_1] Scientists studying data from the Cassini spacecraft, a probe sent by the US space agency NASA, have made an important discovery on one of Saturn's icy moons. They have found high concentrations of phosphorus, which is crucial for all living processes on Earth.This phosphorus was detected in ice crystals below the surface of Enceladus, Saturn's moon that has an ocean beneath its icy exterior. Finding phosphorus is a significant breakthrough for the possibility of alien life on this moon. Researchers had already found six other chemical elements necessary for all living things: carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, and sulphur. The missing piece was phosphorus, and now they have found it. The Cassini spacecraft was the first to orbit Saturn and collected data during its mission from...
Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

Life on our Moon! NASA scientist points towards astonishing mystery

[ad_1] In contrast to Earth's vibrant ecosystems, the moon has long been perceived as a barren and lifeless celestial body, devoid of water and signs of vitality. However, one NASA scientist believes there is more to the moon than meets the eye.According to Prabal Saxena, a planetary scientist at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre, microbial life could persist in the severe circumstances found on the moon. "Relatively protected areas on airless bodies may harbour potentially habitable niches for such life," Saxena explained, as reported by Space.com. The source of this life is astonishing. If such moon bacteria exist, they most likely originated on Earth and travelled to the moon on a lunar lander!While Saxena primarily studies the potential existence of extraterrestrial life outside ou...
Alien fossils on Earth? Here is TRUTH

Alien fossils on Earth? Here is TRUTH

[ad_1] Humans have always been fascinated by the idea of extraterrestrial life. As technology advanced, we have taken many steps in trying to understand it. Advance in technology keeps providing new opportunities to do so. We have held many observations of Venus and Mars and soon NASA will be sending missions to explore the Moons of Saturn and Uranus to know if life exists, or ever existed, on these celestial bodies. We have also spent a substantial amount of time observing outside the solar system and even other galaxies just to find planets similar to the Earth which might be able to sustain life. Amazingly, a recent study claims that evidence of alien life might well exist on Earth itself - in the form of alien fossils!A study was published in the International Journal of Astronomy t...
Signatures of alien technology could be how humanity first finds extraterrestrial life

Signatures of alien technology could be how humanity first finds extraterrestrial life

[ad_1] Signatures of alien technology could be how humanity first finds extraterrestrial life If an alien were to look at Earth, many human technologies – from cell towers to fluorescent light bulbs – could be a beacon signifying the presence of life.We are two astronomers who work on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence – or SETI. In our research, we try to characterise and detect signs of technology originating from beyond Earth. These are called technosignatures. While scanning the sky for a TV broadcast of some extraterrestrial Olympics may sound straightforward, searching for signs of distant, advanced civilisations is a much more nuanced and difficult task than it might seem. Saying ‘hello' with radios and lasersThe modern scientific search for extraterrestrial intellige...
Exploration of Jupiter’s moon Europa now possible

Exploration of Jupiter’s moon Europa now possible

[ad_1] Jupiter's moon Europa is one of the most promising locations for searching for extraterrestrial life. Europa is more than just one of Jupiter's many moons; it's also one of the solar system's most promising locations for searching for extraterrestrial life. There is a liquid water ocean under 10 kilometres of ice that could support life. It is, however, one of the most inhospitable places in the solar system, with surface temperatures of -180 degrees Celsius and extreme levels of radiation. Exploring Europa may be possible in the coming years as a result of Georgia Tech's research into silicon-germanium transistor technology.Professor John D. Cressler of the Regents' School of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE)...