Tag: European Union AI act

5 things about AI you may have missed today: Google’s AI-powered GraphCast, Macron wants balanced AI laws, more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: Google’s AI-powered GraphCast, Macron wants balanced AI laws, more

[ad_1] Google's AI-powered GraphCast revolutionises weather forecasts for unprecedented accuracy; South African University students embrace AI for engaged learning; AI-generated list ranks Neymar among top 10 most skillful footballers in history; Macron urges balanced AI regulation as EU navigates AI act- this and more in our daily roundup. Let us take a look..1. Google's AI-powered GraphCast revolutionises weather forecastsAI is revolutionising weather forecasting as Google's GraphCast program, part of the DeepMind AI research lab, leverages machine learning for more accurate predictions. Unlike traditional supercomputers, this AI-driven system processes terabytes of historical weather data, offering 10-day forecasts in under a minute. The innovation marks a significant leap in predict...
5 things about AI you may have missed today: Opera browser gets Chatbot, India’s supercomputer and more

5 things about AI you may have missed today: Opera browser gets Chatbot, India’s supercomputer and more

[ad_1] As the European Union is nearing the completion of its artificial intelligence act, regulators and business leaders across the globe are waiting to understand how the dynamic shifts after the first AI regulation comes into effect. But we will have to wait longer to see it happen. On the other hand, today was another interesting day in the AI world as the Opera browser joined Microsoft Edge after introducing a ChatGPT-powered chatbot side panel. This and more in our daily AI roundup. Let us take a look.Opera browser gets AI chatbotOpera browser has joined the ranks of Microsoft Edge browser after it unveiled its new AI side panel called Aria. It is powered by OpenAI's GPT-3 language model, and it can answer questions, translate languages, and generate text, code, scripts, musical ...