Tag: ESA scientists

NASA and ESA scientists to bring next generation camera for future Moon missions

NASA and ESA scientists to bring next generation camera for future Moon missions

[ad_1] New technologies and innovations have helped scientists to take the space missions to the next level. We have received various mesmerizing images of space till now with amazing high-definition cameras. Now, the NASA astronauts are prepping up to take the next generation camera to the Moon to capture the detailed images of the Lunar surface. European astronauts and scientists have come together with NASA's Artemis imagery team to complete this crucial task.Next generation camera for moonNASA and ESA has been working together to build an amazing next-generation camera to capture the lunar surface. The new camera for moon is constructed with the usage of professional off-the-shelf cameras. These cameras are known for their excellent light sensitivity and state-of-the-art lenses. In ...
All about the fiery explosions on the Sun – know what are solar flares and CME

All about the fiery explosions on the Sun – know what are solar flares and CME

[ad_1] Over the past few months, as the volatility of the Sun increases, solar flares have been in the news constantly. Do you know what they are and how can they affect us? The Sun has been putting on a dazzling display of its power, and it's only going to get more exciting as we approach the peak of Solar Cycle 25, expected around 2025. But what's all the fuss about? Well, the Sun has some incredible phenomena like solar flares and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), that can affect us here on Earth. They are said to even affect electric infrastructure on Earth.Understanding Solar FlaresImagine the Sun as a giant cosmic firework show. Sun shoots out bursts of energy called solar flares, which are like spectacular explosions on its surface. According to ESA, these flares happen when energy ...
What are asteroids and how ESA is tracking them?

What are asteroids and how ESA is tracking them?

[ad_1] The existence of asteroids has been a big concern for Earth and Scientists from all over the world try to track these rocky objects moving around the Sun. According to scientists, there can be possible threats to Earth from asteroids and that is why they should be tracked by us.AsteroidsAsteroids are celestial bodies composed of rocky materials that have survived since the solar system's formation about 4.6 billion years ago. According to NASA, most of these asteroids come from the main asteroid belt, situated between Mars and Jupiter. Currently, NASA has identified over 1 million asteroids. These space objects follow elliptical orbits around the sun, and due to their irregular shapes, they often tumble and rotate unpredictably as they traverse through space. According to the Eur...