Tag: Epic Apple

10 things to know from Epic CEO Tim Sweeney’s testimony at the Google antitrust trial

10 things to know from Epic CEO Tim Sweeney’s testimony at the Google antitrust trial

[ad_1] The Google antitrust lawsuit, based on filings by Fortnite publisher Epic Games has completed nine days, and in this time we have seen some big revelations being made. Google CEO Sundar Pichai revealed that the company pays Apple up to 18 billion dollars a year for the default iPhone search position, and Google's partnerships boss Don Harrison said that Spotify pays zero percent when users decide to use Spotify's payment system, and between 6 to 10 percent when it is made through Google's channels. On day nine, Epic CEO Tim Sweeney was sworn in for testimony. These were the ten big revelations to come from it. Epic CEO Tim Sweeney testifies in Google antitrust lawsuit1. Highlighting his background, Sweeney says, “I built the very first version of the Unreal Engine myself between ...
Apple Wins Epic Court Battle While Ceding Ground on App Store

Apple Wins Epic Court Battle While Ceding Ground on App Store

[ad_1] Apple Inc. notched another victory in its long-running court battle to block Epic Games Inc. from breaking down barriers in the App Store, but the iPhone maker's moneymaking fortress remains under siege.Years of complaints from app developers and scrutiny from governments globally have already forced Apple to rewrite some of the rules protecting its dominance in the $160 billion app distribution marketplace — and more changes are on the way. But the overall impact on Apple's bottom line and hold on the App store is likely limited, with the fees it charges not changing. While Epic, the maker of the popular Fortnite game, on Monday lost an appeals court fight to lift Apple's ban on third-party app marketplaces on its operating system, the intense pressure coming from rivals includi...