Tag: elon musk Starship

SpaceX gets the go-ahead for the 2nd launch of its Starship rocket; Liftoff set for November 17

SpaceX gets the go-ahead for the 2nd launch of its Starship rocket; Liftoff set for November 17

[ad_1] SpaceX's ambitious project Starship may not have fared well in its first test flight, but there is reason for hope, as the rocket has received clearance from the US Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). The directive was given yesterday, November 15, and Elon Musk's SpaceX will now conduct its 2nd test launch to see whether the issues from the first test flight have been resolved or not. According to the company, it has scheduled the launch tomorrow, November 17, in a small two-hour window.For the unaware, the Starship rocket, alongside the Super Heavy vehicle is SpaceX's next-generation space transportation system that has a long-term vision of carrying humans to Mars. These are, however, early days and the company is trying to figure out how to carry out an efficient launch se...
SpaceX’s Starship Rocket Explodes Shortly After Liftoff

SpaceX’s Starship Rocket Explodes Shortly After Liftoff

[ad_1] SpaceX attempted to send its Starship system into space on Thursday, with the massive rocket exploding shortly after liftoff.The mishap potentially complicates Chief Executive Officer Elon Musk's goal to send humans back to the moon and to deep-space destinations including Mars. Thursday's test was a crucial one for Starship, the largest rocket ever built, and meant to show that the vehicle could reach space and complete a partial orbit of Earth. The explosion occurred just under four minutes after Starship lifted off from the company's facility in Boca Chica, Texas, early morning on Thursday. The rocket failed to separate from its Super Heavy booster, causing a “rapid unscheduled disassembly,” according to SpaceX. The company hasn't released more information about what caused th...
SpaceX Plans Starship Launch April 20 in Second Lift-Off Try

SpaceX Plans Starship Launch April 20 in Second Lift-Off Try

[ad_1] SpaceX is aiming to launch its next-generation Starship rocket on April 20, the second attempt for the groundbreaking flight after a pressurization issue upended the company's initial test.Elon Musk's closely held company announced the new date in a tweet on Monday, hours after postponing a planned inaugural test flight for the fully assembled vehicle. Minutes before scheduled liftoff on Monday, SpaceX scrubbed the flight, citing a “pressurization issue.” Officials had said they would need at least 48 hours before trying again. Musk had flagged a “frozen” pressure valve as an issue that might delay the launch in a tweet earlier in the day. But SpaceX made no reference to the issue in a statement about the new target date for sending Starship aloft. The new launch window will open...
World’s 1st space tourist signs up for flight around moon aboard Elon Musk’s Starship

World’s 1st space tourist signs up for flight around moon aboard Elon Musk’s Starship

[ad_1] The world's first space tourist wants to go back — this time, he’s signed up for a spin around the moon. The world's first space tourist wants to go back — only this time, he's signed up for a spin around the moon aboard Elon Musk's Starship. For Dennis Tito, 82, it's a chance to relive the joy of his trip to the International Space Station, now that he's retired with time on his hands. He isn't interested in hopping on a 10-minute flight to the edge of space or repeating what he did 21 years ago. “Been there, done that.” His weeklong moonshot — its date to be determined and years in the future — will bring him within 125 miles (200 kilometers) of the lunar far side. He'll have company: his wife, Akiko, and 10 others willing to shell out big bucks for the ride. Tito won'...