Tag: easy kitchen tips

5 Mistakes You Might Be Making While Cooking Frozen Vegetables

5 Mistakes You Might Be Making While Cooking Frozen Vegetables

[ad_1] Frozen vegetables are every smart cook's best friend. They save a lot of time and hassle, which generally is not the case when using fresh vegetables. The best part about frozen vegetables is that they come in handy during last-minute meal preps or while catering to a large crowd. However, to utilize them to the fullest, you need to be careful about the way they are cooked. Have you not been able to get the desired result with your veggies? Or do they taste bland? If you are someone who uses frozen vegetables regularly or just started, then fret not. Read about these 5 mistakes you might be making while cooking frozen vegetables (and how to avoid them).Also Read: Going for Frozen Food? Here's What You Need to KnowFrozen vegetables need to be thawed.Photo Credit: iStockHere Are 5 M...
Oil Spills Ruining Your Cooking Vibes? Try These 5 Easy-Peasy Hacks

Oil Spills Ruining Your Cooking Vibes? Try These 5 Easy-Peasy Hacks

[ad_1] There are numerous kitchen chores we perform on a daily basis. While some garner attention with people from across the globe discussing them, others remain completely overlooked. One such situation undoubtedly involves oil spillage. Let's admit it; we've all been in a situation where we inadvertently spilt oil everywhere while pouring it into a container. It turns into a total mess, leading us to spend extra hours cleaning the kitchen. But what if we told you that this situation can be prevented from the outset? In other words, you can entirely evade those unwanted oil spillages and make your life more convenient and hassle-free. Sounds great, doesn't it? All you need to do is follow some basic hacks while filling the oil container - that's it, and your task will be accomplished s...
Ran Out Of Dishwashing Soap? Need To Wash Utensils Immediately? Try These 5 Kitchen Items

Ran Out Of Dishwashing Soap? Need To Wash Utensils Immediately? Try These 5 Kitchen Items

[ad_1] Cooking is fun, but doing the dishes can be quite exhausting, especially after a feast. It gets even worse when you suddenly run out of dishwashing soap. What do you do then? Give up and wait until you can make it to the grocery store? What if you find yourself in a situation where leaving dirty utensils is not an option? That's when the ingenuity of running a kitchen comes into play. Have you ever considered learning how to clean dishes without soap? If not, then we suggest keeping this article handy. Today, we will share some kitchen items that can be easily used to clean dishes and the right method to do the job. Read on.How To Clean Utensils Without Dishwashing Soap | 5 Natural Ingredients To Clean Utensils:1. Hot water for quick washing:This is probably the easiest process of...
Bye-Bye Greasy Smell! 5 Kitchen Hacks For A Fresh And Funk-Free Cooking Experience

Bye-Bye Greasy Smell! 5 Kitchen Hacks For A Fresh And Funk-Free Cooking Experience

[ad_1] There's nothing more satisfying than the aroma of a freshly made meal at home. But unfortunately, that same aroma can turn into a funky odour by the end of the day, and let's agree, it is severely off-putting. The fact that the odour lingers for days, no matter how often you clean, makes the kitchen the smelliest room in the house. If the greasy smell is ruining the vibe of your house and making you feel disappointed, then dear readers, today is the last day of your suffering. Brace yourself, as we have found some easy-to-execute ways to get rid of the greasy smell from your kitchen and freshen the air fast. Check out the pointers given below.Also Read: Kitchen Tips: How To Get Rid Of Meat Odour From UtensilsPhoto Credit: iStockHere Are 5 Smart Tips To Get Rid Of The Greasy Smell ...
Meal Guide 101: How To Plan Your Weekly Meals For Stress-Free Cooking

Meal Guide 101: How To Plan Your Weekly Meals For Stress-Free Cooking

[ad_1] It's Monday again, meaning, we have to get set for a hectic week ahead. With work targets and daily household chores, weekdays can be overwhelming at times. Amidst it all, planning what to make for breakfast, lunch and dinner is a different ballgame altogether. But fret not, things can get easier with a little bit of planning and we will help you with that. In this article, we will share some handy tips that can help you sort the menu for the next five days. From now on, keep some hours during the weekends for preparing the inventory for your kitchen. That's it! And you will have a stress-free week to enjoy. Without wasting much time, let's take you through some of the smart hacks that we follow in our everyday life.Also Read: Kitchen Tips: 9 Smart Ways To Save Time In KitchenPict...
Having Cooking Anxiety? 7 Ways To Grow Confidence In The Kitchen

Having Cooking Anxiety? 7 Ways To Grow Confidence In The Kitchen

[ad_1] Until 2020, homemade food had lost ground across the globe for years. People were more into fast foods, store-bought meals, and ready-to-eat platters. But the trend seems to be turning now. In the past few years, we have seen more and more people stepping into their kitchens and experimenting with food. Cooking is an art, and you need time, practice, and dedication to master the skills. But did you know that confidence plays an equally important role when it comes to cooking? As per chefs and food experts, confidence is as important as having the right kind of ingredients and equipment in your kitchen. The lack of confidence becomes the biggest hurdle for a novice chef to overcome while putting together a complete meal. This is when they suffer from what we call cooking anxiety. N...
Kitchen Tips: 5 Effective Ways To Clean A Tea Strainer

Kitchen Tips: 5 Effective Ways To Clean A Tea Strainer

[ad_1] Tea, for most of us, defines comfort. A hot cup of chai instantly soothes our souls and refuels us with the energy to keep going throughout the day. In fact, it won't be an exaggeration to say that India is a tea-loving nation. So much so that you will find a dedicated 'dabba' (container) for 'chai patti' (tea leaves) in every kitchen pantry. That's not all. You will also find utensils (for making tea) like a saucepan, tea strainer and a few cups holding a constant position on the utensil rack. Speaking about the tea strainer, we all must have noticed it getting clogged and stained with time and use. Over time, tea leaves and other residues get accumulated in the strainer, making it unhygienic and less effective. Besides, the leftover chemical substance in a strainer can have seve...
Struggle While Peeling Ginger And Garlic? Here’re 7 Tips To Make Your Job Easier

Struggle While Peeling Ginger And Garlic? Here’re 7 Tips To Make Your Job Easier

[ad_1] Let's agree, we are always in search of quick and easy ways to make our lives simpler, especially in the kitchen. In between our personal and professional commitments, we hardly get that leisurely time to spend in the kitchen. This is where simple cooking tricks come in handy. If you scroll through the internet or ask the elders (in the family), you will come across many such pointers that are definitely useful for those who have just started cooking. That's not all. It also works wonders for those who are adept in the culinary world. One of the most searched kitchen tips on the internet is 'how to peel ginger and garlic efficiently'.Also Read: 11 Basic Cooking Tips To Help Beginners Become Better CooksPeeling ginger and garlic is a fundamental step in preparing almost every delic...