Tag: earth today

Bus-sized asteroid to pass Earth by a close margin, says NASA; Know speed, size and more

Bus-sized asteroid to pass Earth by a close margin, says NASA; Know speed, size and more

[ad_1] Throughout the first two months of 2024, we have witnessed multiple asteroid approaches to Earth. However, the last few days broke this trend, with no asteroid passing the planet. Normality is expected to resume tomorrow as yet another asteroid has been designated to pass the planet in close proximity. These close approaches occur when an asteroid interacts with a large planet's gravitational field, which can send it tumbling towards a planet, raising a potential impact scenario. With the help of its advanced tech, the US Space Agency has shed light on another asteroid that is set to pass Earth tomorrow, March 7.Asteroid 2024 EH: Details of close approachNASA says this asteroid has been designated as Asteroid 2024 EH by the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), an organiz...
Mammoth 350-foot asteroid set to pass Earth today, says NASA! Know how close it will get

Mammoth 350-foot asteroid set to pass Earth today, says NASA! Know how close it will get

[ad_1] As many as two asteroids passed Earth yesterday in close proximity. One of them was nearly 120 feet wide, which is nearly the size of an aircraft! Despite their close approaches, these asteroids did not pose a threat to Earth and had no chance of impact. But how do these space rocks come close to the planet? NASA says this happens due to the interaction with a large planet's gravitational field, which can send the tumbling towards a planet, raising a potential impact scenario. With the help of its advanced tech, the US Space Agency has shed light on another asteroid that is set to pass Earth today, February 29.Asteroid 2024 CA7: Details of close approachNASA says this asteroid has been designated as Asteroid 2024 CA7 by the Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS), an organiz...
NASA asteroid alert! 134-foot rock sped past Earth today at whopping at 4km per sec

NASA asteroid alert! 134-foot rock sped past Earth today at whopping at 4km per sec

[ad_1] NASA says another asteroid just flew past Earth today. Check mind-boggling stats of this massive 134-foot asteroid. NASA, with the help of its various space and ground-based telescopes, found a 134-foot asteroid heading dangerously towards Earth. The asteroid passed very close to Earth today. This particular asteroid has sparked worry and concern among space agencies as it was discovered just a week ago on September 21, 2022. The stats of this asteroid are stupefying! Not only is it big, it was spotted hurtling towards the planet at blistering speed. The asteroid was classified as a potentially hazardous asteroid due to the close proximity of its encounter with Earth.Details about Asteroid 2022 SE6Asteroid 2022 SE6 is ...