Tag: earth-like planets

No atmosphere found at faraway Earth-sized world, study says

No atmosphere found at faraway Earth-sized world, study says

[ad_1] The Webb Space Telescope has found no evidence of an atmosphere at one of the seven rocky, Earth-sized planets orbiting a nearby star.Scientists said on Monday that doesn't bode well for the rest of the planets in this solar system, some of which are in the sweet spot for harbouring water and potentially life. The NASA-led team reported little if no atmosphere exists at the innermost planet in the Trappist system, 40 light-years away. The researchers used a special technique geared toward a warm planet like this one. Results were published on Monday in the journal Nature. The lack of an atmosphere would mean no water and no protection from cosmic rays, said NASA's Thomas Greene, the lead researcher.As for the other planets orbiting the small, feeble Trappist star, “I would have b...
Distant star TOI-700 has two potentially habitable planets orbiting it – hope for search of life?

Distant star TOI-700 has two potentially habitable planets orbiting it – hope for search of life?

[ad_1] NASA recently announced the discovery of a new, Earth-sized planet in the habitable zone of a nearby star called TOI-700. We are two of the astronomers who led the discovery of this planet, called TOI-700 e. TOI-700 e is just over 100 light years from Earth – too far away for humans to visit – but we do know that it is similar in size to the Earth, likely rocky in composition and could potentially support life. You've probably heard about some of the many other exoplanet discoveries in recent years. In fact, TOI-700 e is one of two potentially habitable planets just in the TOI-700 star system. Habitable planets are those that are just the right distance from their star to have a surface temperature that could sustain liquid water. While ...
Earth-like planets may not host aliens due to solar storms! Check mystery

Earth-like planets may not host aliens due to solar storms! Check mystery

[ad_1] Exoplanets, similar to Earth, which were earlier thought to be capable of nurturing alien life might actually be uninhabitable due to these dangerous solar storms. Scientists have been concerned about the mood-swings of the Sun this year. The Sun is entering the phase where it reaches the peak of solar activity in 2023 and as a result it has been blasting solar storms on a regular basis towards the Earth. While we have not seen a fearsome Carrington level event so far that damages power grids and more, the fear of a similar solar storm remains within the scientists as it can do an unthinkable amount of damage. But it turns out that planets outside the solar system which are also called exoplanets are suffering from som...