Tag: dscovr satellite

Solar storm WARNING for Earth today; High chances of solar flare eruption, says NOAA

Solar storm WARNING for Earth today; High chances of solar flare eruption, says NOAA

[ad_1] On Thursday, a concerning development was seen on the Sun where two different sunspots, both unstable, appeared on the Earth-facing side of the Sun. Now, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has issued a warning. Today, February 10, there is a high chance of an M-class solar flare eruption and a smaller chance of even a severe X-class solar flare explosion. If this does happen, the Earth might suffer devastating consequences of the incoming solar storm. Interestingly, the Earth has already suffered multiple solar flare related blackouts in the first week of this month that affected the pacific region.This recent development was reported by SpaceWeather.com which noted on its website, “The odds of a strong solar flare today have more than doubled in response...
Dangerous CME to strike the Earth and cause massive solar storm; Know the danger

Dangerous CME to strike the Earth and cause massive solar storm; Know the danger

[ad_1] A large cloud of coronal mass ejection (CME) is moving towards the Earth and will cause a solar storm on January 19. Know how it can impact us. The solar activity on the Sun continues to increase as astronomers point out multiple sunspots emerging there. Reports suggest that if this continues, the month of January 2023 can break a 20-year record for highest number of sunspots in a month. And this record has terrifying consequences for the Earth. Our planet has already suffered multiple solar storms and solar flare eruptions, but it appears that the onslaught will continue. Another cloud of coronal mass ejection (CME) is headed towards us and can strike the Earth on January 19. So, what could be the impact of such a solar storm?The development was reported by SpaceWeather.com wh...
Huge sunspot set to Explode! X-class solar flare likely to cause blackouts on Earth today

Huge sunspot set to Explode! X-class solar flare likely to cause blackouts on Earth today

[ad_1] Sunspot AR3112 is on the verge of explosion. There is a possibility of an x-class solar flare eruption today that can cause radio blackouts on Earth. This week has been scary for Earth and latest National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) projections suggest that it is going to get a lot scarier. Just a couple of days ago, the USA suffered heavy radio blackouts due to an X1-class solar flare eruption on the Sun. The biggest effect was felt in Florida, North Carolina and South Carolina where rescue operations and disaster management missions are being conducted in the wake of Hurricane Ian. The eruption resulted in GPS and radio waves being blocked and these operations being delayed by hours. Now, the Earth is looking at another solar flare eruption which can be even...
Alert! Giant sunspot emerges on Sun; can blast dangerous X-class solar flares at Earth

Alert! Giant sunspot emerges on Sun; can blast dangerous X-class solar flares at Earth

[ad_1] One of the largest sunspots of the year has emerged on the Sun. Scientists are concerned that it can cause an X-class solar flare eruption directed towards the Earth. Just hours after the Earth was struck by a G2-class solar storm, a scarier development has occurred on the Sun. A new sunspot has emerged on the Earth-facing side of the solar disk. And this sunspot, named AR3112, is one of the largest seen this year. Just based on its size, it is capable of causing an X-class solar flare which can result in widespread radio blackout on Earth. The event was recorded using the tech marvel DSCOVR satellite. It has various instruments to observe temperature, speed, density, degree of orientation and frequency of solar partic...