Tag: drinking water benefits

Can Water Help Satisfy Untimely Hunger Pangs? Expert Reveals The Truth

Can Water Help Satisfy Untimely Hunger Pangs? Expert Reveals The Truth

[ad_1] Craving indulgent, cheesy, and high-calorie foods while on a diet is a common struggle. Giving in to these cravings is not an option, so how can you satisfy your hunger pangs and unusual cravings? Fear not, we have a healthy solution for you. But first, let's delve into the nature of cravings. Scientific studies have identified two types of cravings: selective and non-selective cravings. While selective cravings are clear and specific, non-selective cravings are vague and often lead to intense hunger pangs. This is where the problem begins.Understanding The Link Between Thirst And Hunger:Consultant nutritionist Rupali Datta reveals an interesting insight about cravings and hunger pangs. She explains, "Approximately 80 percent of the time, our brain confuses thirst, which can be tr...
Benefits Of Drinking Water: 8 Ways To Ensure You Are Having Enough Water

Benefits Of Drinking Water: 8 Ways To Ensure You Are Having Enough Water

[ad_1] Experts around the world cannot emphasise enough on the need to stay hydrated at all times. Also dubbed as the elixir of life, water controls and manages several critical functions like digestion, transporting nutrients and oxygen to the cells, preventing constipation and maintaining the electrolyte (sodium) balance. The body also eliminates water through urine and sweat, which is why it is essential to keep a tab and ensure you consume enough water through the day. For all those wondering, 'how much water should I drink in a day?', it is popularly believed that one must have up to eight glasses of water daily, though this may vary for different people. Also, drinking water should not be contingent on whether you are particularly thirsty or not. A healthy body's water reserves can...