Tag: dinosaurs

Punching an ASTEROID away! Earth turns Avenger for the Dinosaurs with NASA DART

Punching an ASTEROID away! Earth turns Avenger for the Dinosaurs with NASA DART

[ad_1] NASA gives confirmation that the DART mission was successful and the orbit of the asteroid Dimorphos has been altered. Earth may just avoid another dinosaur-extinction event. On September 26, NASA did the unthinkable. For the first time in history, humans were able to shake and move a celestial body. The NASA Double Asteroid Redirection Test (DART) mission sent a spacecraft to the asteroid called Dimorphos and struck it headfirst. The collision was supposed to move it away from its usual orbit. This test, if successful, could become a viable option to deflect any potential asteroid coming towards the Earth and avoid a future similar to the dinosaurs. And earlier this week, NASA finally confirmed that the mission was a success.Before the mission, NASA had set some tangible goals...
This monstrous Asteroid triggered a deadly tsunami on Earth

This monstrous Asteroid triggered a deadly tsunami on Earth

[ad_1] Deadly asteroid crash that killed off the dinosaurs also caused a cataclysmic tsunami across the globe. Nearly 66 million years ago, when a city-size asteroid crashed into Earth, it not only wiped out the dinosaurs but also triggered a monster tsunami rippling around the planet, reveals a new study. The asteroid was about 8.7 miles (14 kilometres) wide. Its crash created a crater about 62 miles (100 kilometres) across near Mexico's Yucatan peninsula and triggered a mass extinction of 75% of animal and plant life on the planet including Dinosaurs. As per the research published in American Geophysical Union Advance, the asteroid crash created a series of cataclysmic events like global temperatures fluctuation; plumes of aerosol, soot and dust filled air; as well as triggered w...
Earth can be hit by multiple asteroids at once! Study reveals horrific truth

Earth can be hit by multiple asteroids at once! Study reveals horrific truth

[ad_1] A new study has found shocking evidence about the asteroid that wiped out dinosaurs from Earth. It also suggests that the in future, Earth can be hit by multiple asteroids at once. On Tuesday, September 27, NASA reached a historic milestone when it struck an asteroid with a spacecraft with an expectation to change its trajectory. Part of its planetary defense system, this can be a very important tool for us in case an asteroid heads towards the Earth and scientists need to deflect it using a spacecraft. However, a new study has revealed shocking information that the Earth is more likely to get struck with multiple asteroids at once instead of just a single asteroid. If the claims are true, then the planetary defense sy...
Did asteroid kill the dinosaurs? This study reveals shocking details

Did asteroid kill the dinosaurs? This study reveals shocking details

[ad_1] A new study has revealed shocking details behind the extinction of dinosaurs, and it is not pointing at an asteroid. The reason behind the extinction of dinosaurs has always been blamed on a massive asteroid strike around 66 million years ago. But is it the whole truth? This latest study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS) journal contradicts the long believed asteroid theory! It suggests that dinosaurs were already on the way out even before that fateful event of an asteroid impact. In fact, the asteroid impact merely hurried the process that was already happening. The proof? Fossil eggs from China suggest that the number of dinosaurs and diversity was already declining.According to...
Gigantic asteroid strike on Earth killed dinosaurs 66 mn years ago – Or did it really?

Gigantic asteroid strike on Earth killed dinosaurs 66 mn years ago – Or did it really?

[ad_1] A recent study has cast doubt upon the popular theory that an asteroid strike killed off dinosaurs. All the technology deployed in tracking and finding out details about asteroid strikes and impact on planets, especially Earth, are wrong? The most popular scientific theory says that 66 million years ago, an asteroid smashed into the Earth and caused the extinction of all dinosaurs. Top technological gadgets have been deployed to sift through the evidence to come to that conclusion. But is it really how things happened? A new study, shockingly, disagrees. According to it, asteroids had nothing to do with the demise of the dinosaur population. And contrary to popular belief, it was volcanic eruptions which contributed to...