Tag: dhaniya

5 Unique, Easy Ways To Include Coriander In Your Diet Beyond Chutney

5 Unique, Easy Ways To Include Coriander In Your Diet Beyond Chutney

[ad_1] When it comes to garnishes, no ingredient can compete with coriander. Popularly known as dhania in India, this plant is more than just a garnish or a chutney ingredient. It is packed with flavour and brings freshness to dishes in various forms. Healthwise, coriander is rich in Vitamin A which is essential for your eye health. It contains high levels of nutrients, and antioxidants, and has antifungal properties. In Indian households, coriander is most famously used to make chutneys which can be paired with several dishes. However, you can incorporate this humble herb beyond chutney too. Intrigued? Read on to learn more about easy ways to include coriander in your diet.Also Read: Coriander Leaves Water: A Natural Solution for Effective Weight LossCoriander rice is tasty and flavourf...