Tag: Devil comet

Rare conjunction on April 8! Devil Comet to coincide with total solar eclipse, promising a celestial spectacle

Rare conjunction on April 8! Devil Comet to coincide with total solar eclipse, promising a celestial spectacle

[ad_1] In a cosmic ballet set to mesmerise skygazers, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, fondly dubbed the "Devil Comet," is poised for an extraordinary rendezvous with the Great North American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8. While enthusiasts anticipate the prospect of witnessing this extraordinary alignment, uncertainty shrouds whether the comet will unveil itself to the naked eye amidst the daytime eclipse.The Journey of the "Devil Comet”Dubbed a "dirty snowball" by the late Harvard astronomer Fred Whipple, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is currently journeying through our celestial neighbourhood, reaching perihelion- its closest proximity to the Sun- on April 21, likely marking its peak brightness, before making its closest approach to Earth on June 2. Illuminated by the Sun's warmth, Pons-Brooks is pro...
Total solar eclipse 2024: ‘Devil Comet’ may be seen for the first time in 70 years!

Total solar eclipse 2024: ‘Devil Comet’ may be seen for the first time in 70 years!

[ad_1] Skygazers worldwide are eagerly anticipating a celestial spectacle during the upcoming total solar eclipse in April – the potential appearance of the ‘Devil Comet'. Known scientifically as 12P/Pons-Brooks, this comet, measuring about 10.5 miles (17 kilometers) across, is currently hurtling towards Earth and may offer a striking display if it erupts before the Sun is completely obscured during the eclipse.Significance of Devil CometWhat makes the 'Devil Comet' particularly intriguing is its unusual behavior and characteristics, according to NASA. It follows an elliptical orbit around the sun, completing its journey every 71 years. Classified as an ice volcano or cryovolcanic comet, it occasionally erupts when exposed to intense solar radiation, causing ruptures in its icy surface ...
Indian Himalayan Chandra Telescope captures mesmerising Devil Comet in all its glory

Indian Himalayan Chandra Telescope captures mesmerising Devil Comet in all its glory

[ad_1] In an amazing celestial feat, astronomers at the Indian Institute of Astrophysics (IIA) have snapped a breathtaking image of Comet P12/Pons-Brooks, also known as Devil Comet, using the Himalayan Chandra Telescope (HCT) at the Indian Astronomical Observatory in Hanle, Ladakh. Often referred to as the 'Devil Comet' or likened to the iconic 'Millennium Falcon' due to its distinct appearance, this cosmic wanderer, discovered in 1812, orbits the Sun every 71 years. Recent observations have revealed a surge in its activity, marked by multiple outbursts of gas and dust that have significantly heightened its luminosity.The captured image is a composite of individual exposures employing three different colour filters. The comet's swift movement across the sky results in a displacement of ...
Devil Comet to make close approach to Earth very soon! Check what experts say

Devil Comet to make close approach to Earth very soon! Check what experts say

[ad_1] The year 2023 has been a year of rare space occurrences, never-seen views, and comets shining bright in the night sky. Now, we are approaching the new year and researchers have found a comet which could make a close approach to Earth in the coming months. A comet named 12P/Pons-Brooks may come very close to Earth which will enable sky gazers to even view it with the naked eyes or with the help of binoculars. Check what experts are saying about the newfound comet.About comet 12P/Pons-BrooksAccording to a Space.com report, the Devil comet, which is also named 12P/Pons-Brooks, could make a close approach to Earth and it has the capability to shine bright in the night sky in March 2024. The comet was first spotted by French astronomer Jean Louis Pons on July 21, 1812, near two conste...
Devil Comet, 3 times bigger than Mount Everest, to make close approach to Earth

Devil Comet, 3 times bigger than Mount Everest, to make close approach to Earth

[ad_1] Are you someone who likes to catch beautiful sights out there in the sky including meteor showers or even a comet flyby? While meteor showers are frequent, comets are a rarity. If you do like such stuff, then know that 2024 will be the year for you as a massive comet named 12P/Pons-Brooks is going to make a very close approach to Earth. However, you will be stunned to know that the comet is much bigger than Mount Everest and scientists are calling it the Devil Comet as it is reported that it has the shape of “horns” on it. Know what scientists are saying about the comet.Devil Comet's Close approach to EarthAccording to a Live Science report, a comet named 12P/Pons-Brooks will make a close approach to Earth on April 21, 2024. The Devil comet has a size of 30 kilometres and it cont...