Tag: DeepMind breakthrough

AI masters social learning in real-time without pre-collected human data: DeepMind study

AI masters social learning in real-time without pre-collected human data: DeepMind study

[ad_1] Human intelligence has long relied on cultural evolution and social learning, where knowledge is passed down through imitation of actions and behaviors down through the ages. The question arises: Can artificial intelligence (AI) replicate these social learning skills in real time? Traditionally, AI has employed imitation learning, observing humans and attempting to mimic their actions. However, this method often requires numerous examples and extensive exposure to data. In a groundbreaking study, DeepMind researchers claim that AI agents can exhibit social learning skills in real time without relying on pre-collected human data. The study focused on observational learning, specifically the imitation of body movements in novel contexts. DeepMind conducted experiments in GoalCycle3...