Tag: danger of asteroid impact

Asteroid danger! Bus-sized asteroid clocked at just 7038 kmph

Asteroid danger! Bus-sized asteroid clocked at just 7038 kmph

[ad_1] An asteroid is all set to make a close approach to Earth today, as per NASA. Notably, it is one of the slowest asteroids that has come visiting for a long time? Most asteroids are irregularly shaped, though a few are nearly spherical, and they are often pitted or cratered? As these space rocks revolve around the Sun in their elliptical orbits, the asteroids also rotate, sometimes quite erratically, tumbling as they go, according to NASA. Asteroids often make close approaches with Earth, generally missing the planet by a million kilometers or so even as some come even closer than our Moon. However, they are still monitored by NASA's Planetary Defense Coordination Office which keeps an eye on these Near-Earth Objects (NEOs) for any potential impact. Now, the organization has warn...