Tag: Cybersecurity

Afraid of cyber fraud? Adopt these 5 measures to stay safe online

Afraid of cyber fraud? Adopt these 5 measures to stay safe online

[ad_1] You can ditch cyber criminals by following certain online safety rules. Check 5 measures to stay safe online here. Internet is the place which provides you with all your answers quickly. In today's world, everything is available online. From studies to making payments- the internet is required for everything. However, exploring the internet is not always safe. One wrong click can cause you several harm including financial losses and leakage of personal details. However, if you are a Google Chrome user you can use some of the ways to stay safe online. Check 5 best ways to stay secure online on Google Chrome. 1. Keep updating your browser: Like every other application, security engineers work to keep Chrome safe against the latest threats, by working on updates and imp...
Shocking! Google reveals spyware hitting Chrome, Firefox, and Windows Defender

Shocking! Google reveals spyware hitting Chrome, Firefox, and Windows Defender

[ad_1] Google reported that Heliconia exploitation frameworks are capable of deploying spyware on Chrome, Microsoft, and Mozilla. Google Threat Analysis Group (TAG) has been a constant tracker of commercial spyware for many years. Now, TAG has reported that Variston IT, a company in Barcelona has sold spyware exploiting Chrome, Firefox, and Windows Defender vulnerabilities. Google explains that this commercial spyware puts advanced surveillance capabilities in the hands of governments who use them to spy on journalists, human rights activists, political opposition, and dissidents.These vulnerabilities were flagged as zero-days in the wild, but these were fixed by Google, Microsoft, and Mozilla in 2021 and early 2022. It explained that its Heliconia framework exploits n-day vulnerabili...
Indian Govt to fine Rs. 250 crores for personal data breach! See what the new bill says

Indian Govt to fine Rs. 250 crores for personal data breach! See what the new bill says

[ad_1] A new bill considered by the Center proposes penalties for the data processor in the event of a data breach. The Center is framing a new data protection bill that will do something about personal data breach. Ignored for a long time, the new data protection bill will fine the data processor or data fiduciary a sum of up to ₹250 crores in case it fails to have security safeguards to prevent such personal data breaches, say sources.The new bill is currently in the drafting stage as part of the Digital Data Protection Bill, which was earlier withdrawn from the Personal Data Protection Bill 2019. The original bill had proposed a penalty of Rs. 15 crores, or four percent of the company's global turnover. The new draft wants to incorporate stricter penalties for regulating social me...
Misuse of social media, dark web, cryptocurrency among key issues India will raise

Misuse of social media, dark web, cryptocurrency among key issues India will raise

[ad_1] "The dark web brings together professional hackers and those terrorists seeking to crowdsource or transfer funds. India will raise major issues like lack of universal consensus on laws regarding cybercrimes; weak control mechanisms of social media platforms and their misuse by terrorist and extremist groups, the dark web and crypto-currency in the upcoming international 'No Money For Terror' Ministerial Conference this week, top government sources said.Crowdfunding; anonymous, decentralised and untraceable nature of terror financing; effective multilateral and multi-stakeholder approach in identification and mitigation of threats of emerging terror-financing mechanisms; misuse of non-profit and nongovernment organisations as front structures for financing terror activities are ...
Repeat hacks highlight Australia’s cyber flaws

Repeat hacks highlight Australia’s cyber flaws

[ad_1] Inadequate privacy safeguards and the stockpiling of sensitive customer information have made Australia a lucrative target in the eyes of foreign hackers. Inadequate privacy safeguards and the stockpiling of sensitive customer information have made Australia a lucrative target in the eyes of foreign hackers, cybersecurity experts told AFP following a series of major data breaches.Medibank, Australia's largest private health insurer, recently confirmed that hackers had accessed the data of 9.7 million current and former customers, including medical records related to drug abuse and pregnancy terminations. Telecom company Optus fell prey to a data breach of similar scale in late September, during which the personal details of up to 9.8 million people were accessed. Both incidents...
Gangs Shift Ransomware Attack Tactics

Gangs Shift Ransomware Attack Tactics

[ad_1] Ransomware gangs increasingly use their own or stolen computer code, moving away from a leasing model that made their activities easier to monitor, new research shows. Ransomware gangs increasingly use their own or stolen computer code, moving away from a leasing model that made their activities easier to monitor, new research shows.Numerous prominent hacking groups in recent years have functioned by leasing their malicious software and computing infrastructure to other bad actors, in what's known as ransomware-as-a-service. That model, which experts say turbocharged the number of ransomware attacks, was offered by infamous groups such as Conti, which shuttered Irish health systems, and REvil, deemed responsible for a 2021 intrusion at the IT management firm Kaseya Ltd.  But no...
Are you safe on Google Chrome? Not a bit! Know 5 ways to stay secure online

Are you safe on Google Chrome? Not a bit! Know 5 ways to stay secure online

[ad_1] If you are a Google Chrome user, you must try out these 5 ways to stay safe online. Which web browser do you use to explore the internet? People use the internet to find the answers to their questions and almost everything else. But exploring the internet is not always safe. One wrong click can cause you severe harm including financial losses and leakage of personal details. However, if you are a Google Chrome user you can use some of the ways to stay safe online. Explaining how safe Chrome is, Google said in a blog post, "We designed Chrome to be secure by default, protecting you from dangerous and deceptive sites that might steal your passwords or infect your device." There are also several ways that you can use to make sure you stay safe online. Check 5 best ways to stay sec...
Beware of PoS malware! It can secretly steal your credit card details

Beware of PoS malware! It can secretly steal your credit card details

[ad_1] Two point-of-sale (PoS) malware were operationalised recently by hackers who stole over 167000 credit card details. You too could be under threat. New malware has reportedly been operationalised by hackers and it is stealing victims' credit card data. Dubbed as PoS (two point-of-sale) malware, it has already stolen information related to over 167000 credit cards from multiple payment platforms. As reported by thehackernews.com, Singapore-headquartered cybersecurity company Group-IB has shared that the stolen data dumps could profit the hackers by as much as $3.34 million when sold on underground forums. The malware is reportedly aimed at gathering payment data relying on JavaScript sniffers (aka web skimmers) to steal card text data like bank card numbers, expiration dates, ...
US Sees More Aggressive Cybersecurity Threats, Warns About Russia, China, Iran

US Sees More Aggressive Cybersecurity Threats, Warns About Russia, China, Iran

[ad_1] Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said the US has observed growing cybersecurity threats. Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas said the US has observed growing cybersecurity threats both at home and throughout Asia, and is warning against activity coming from Russia, China, North Korea and Iran. “Malicious activity from the PRC is a real and present threat, not just for the United States, but for other countries as well and that's why I've traveled such a distance here,” he told Bloomberg Television's Haslinda Amin on Wednesday during a trip to Singapore. His remarks come amid heightened tensions between the US and China over a host of issues from trade to human rights and the status of Taiwan. The US government has long alleged that China runs...
UK spy chief to warn of ‘huge’ China tech threat

UK spy chief to warn of ‘huge’ China tech threat

[ad_1] Britain's GCHQ spy agency chief will warn Western countries Tuesday of the "huge threat" from China seeking to exploit its tech dominance to control its own citizens and gain influence abroad. Jeremy Fleming, the director of the cybersecurity agency, is set to tell a British defence studies body that the Chinese Communist Party views technologies such as satellite systems and digital currencies as a "tool to gain advantage". In excerpts of his speech released late Monday, Fleming will use the annual "security lecture" at RUSI think tank to argue China could act in ways representing "a huge threat to us all". He will urge the UK and its allies to respond urgently. "At GCHQ it is our privilege and duty to see the sliding door moments of history. This feels like one of thos...