Tag: Curiosity Rover

NASA’s Curiosity Rover sends breathtaking postcard from Mars

NASA’s Curiosity Rover sends breathtaking postcard from Mars

[ad_1] NASA's Curiosity Rover on Mars has unveiled a stunning postcard from the Red Planet, showcasing the diverse times of day on Mars. Following a major software update that improved the rover's driving speed and reduced wheel wear, Curiosity captured mesmerising images of the "Marker Band Valley" before moving on.According to NASA, the panoramic snapshots were taken on April 8, 2023, using black-and-white navigation cameras. To enhance the postcard's visual appeal, colours were later added, with blue representing the morning shots and yellow for those taken in the afternoon. The postcard not only captures the picturesque landscape but also features prominent Mars landmarks. Notably, it includes the "Marker Band Valley," where the rover made unexpected discoveries indicating an ancien...
In a first, NASA Curiosity rover captures Sun rays on Mars

In a first, NASA Curiosity rover captures Sun rays on Mars

[ad_1] In its long and remarkable tenure on Mars, the NASA Curiosity rover has reached some significant milestones and discovered some really interesting things. The rover was first deployed on the red planet in 2012 and it continues to collect samples and look for signs of life on the planet. Recently, it discovered a bizarre rock formation that looked just like a duck. And now, it has captured a stunning image of a phenomenon which is extremely rare to see on Mars — visible Sun rays.It should be noted that while sunlight does make its way to Mars' surface just like it does on the Earth, visible Sun rays is not something which is commonly seen. A visible Sun ray is seen on our planet on a hazy day when sunlight is scattered by dust, smoke or other particles. These visible rays are not...
Surprise! NASA just found Opal gems on Mars

Surprise! NASA just found Opal gems on Mars

[ad_1] NASA's Curiosity Rover has found opal gems on Mars. NASA rovers on Mars have been looking for clues to water or any other source of life. Now, in a big surprise, NASA's Curiosity Rover, which has been exploring the surface of Mars, has found water-rich opal gems on the planet. "More than just a shimmering stone, opal — which is rich in water — has now been found in Mars' Gale Crater by NASA's Curiosity Rover," a report by space.com said. "In both older and newer Curiosity images, they (researchers) noticed fracture halos, rings of light-colored sediment, that stood out because of their color; further tests proved that the light rock was actually opal," the report further informed. Wondering why the discovery is important? Well, it may serve as an important...