Tag: corn silk tea

Start Your Day With Corn Silk Tea – Nature’s Secret for Health and Flavour

Start Your Day With Corn Silk Tea – Nature’s Secret for Health and Flavour

[ad_1] Nature has gifted us with some incredible natural remedies and superfoods, some of which get noticed and some go unnoticed. One underrated gem is corn silk, the delicate strands that protect the golden kernels of whole corn we enjoy. Often discarded as waste, corn silk possesses a wealth of health benefits and culinary potential that deserve attention. But how do you consume silk corn? In the form of tea. Yes, cornsilk tea is being pegged as a healthy beverage with amazing benefits.  What Is Corn Silk Tea? Corn silk tea is a herbal non-caffeinated tea made by boiling corn silk with water. Corn silk is replaced with regular tea leaves but offers similar, maybe better, invigorating properties. Just like regular tea, corn silk tea can be elevated with the addition of other flavours. ...