Tag: coriander

Watch: Kolkata Family To The Rescue After Phuchka Vendor Runs Out Of Coriander

Watch: Kolkata Family To The Rescue After Phuchka Vendor Runs Out Of Coriander

[ad_1] There is no doubt that phuchkas or golgappas are one of the most popular street-side delicacies in India. These crispy treats are made using flour and filled with a mixture of potatoes, chickpeas, sweet chutney, and tangy water, providing a burst of flavour. While most of us love relishing a plate for phuchkas in the evenings, have you ever seen someone offering coriander to a golgappa vendor when they run out of it? Well, a family from Kolkata did just that and even shared a video of the gesture on Instagram. The family, who was disappointed because the vendor had run out of coriander, generously offered him the greens from their home. The video has clocked more than 45 million views.In the video shared by one of the family members, we can see a person angrily approaching the car...
5 Unique, Easy Ways To Include Coriander In Your Diet Beyond Chutney

5 Unique, Easy Ways To Include Coriander In Your Diet Beyond Chutney

[ad_1] When it comes to garnishes, no ingredient can compete with coriander. Popularly known as dhania in India, this plant is more than just a garnish or a chutney ingredient. It is packed with flavour and brings freshness to dishes in various forms. Healthwise, coriander is rich in Vitamin A which is essential for your eye health. It contains high levels of nutrients, and antioxidants, and has antifungal properties. In Indian households, coriander is most famously used to make chutneys which can be paired with several dishes. However, you can incorporate this humble herb beyond chutney too. Intrigued? Read on to learn more about easy ways to include coriander in your diet.Also Read: Coriander Leaves Water: A Natural Solution for Effective Weight LossCoriander rice is tasty and flavourf...
Coriander Leaves Water: A Natural Solution for Effective Weight Loss

Coriander Leaves Water: A Natural Solution for Effective Weight Loss

[ad_1] Coriander leaves are the topmost choice to enhance the visual appeal of foods and drinks. With vibrant green colour and delicate feathery texture, chopped coriander leaves instantly add a pop of colour and a hint of refreshing citrus flavour. But coriander leaves are much more than just a garnish. They are packed with several nutrients and properties that make them a healthy addition to your diet, including a weight loss diet. Yes, those sprigs of coriander leaves we often ignore can help us lose weight too! And the best way to achieve this is by drinking coriander leaves water.  After reading the information below you'll look at coriander leaves differently, and not just as an extra/optional topping for your meals.   Also Read: Weight Loss: All About Detox Diet, Best Healthy Deto...
This Coriander-Mango Chutney Recipe Is Tangy And Flavourful – Try It Today

This Coriander-Mango Chutney Recipe Is Tangy And Flavourful – Try It Today

[ad_1] Summers, for us, scream mangoes. Touted as the king of fruits, mangoes are juicy, sweet and an absolutely divine indulgence. The market is flooded with a number of varieties like Alphonso, Dashehari, Langra, Chaunsa, Kesar, and Totapuri among others. The sweet taste of mangoes is packed with a subtle tang, which makes the entire experience worthwhile. Not to forget the health benefits they bring in. From lowering cholesterol to aiding digestion and protecting the body against heat strokes, mangoes bring a host of health benefits to the table. In Indian households, mangoes are consumed in more than one way. While some prefer relishing this fruit after their meals as a sweet treat, others tend to mix them up with milk and prepare a tall glass of shake. People also infuse this glorio...