Tag: comet devil

Devil Comet, 3 times bigger than Mount Everest, to make close approach to Earth

Devil Comet, 3 times bigger than Mount Everest, to make close approach to Earth

[ad_1] Are you someone who likes to catch beautiful sights out there in the sky including meteor showers or even a comet flyby? While meteor showers are frequent, comets are a rarity. If you do like such stuff, then know that 2024 will be the year for you as a massive comet named 12P/Pons-Brooks is going to make a very close approach to Earth. However, you will be stunned to know that the comet is much bigger than Mount Everest and scientists are calling it the Devil Comet as it is reported that it has the shape of “horns” on it. Know what scientists are saying about the comet.Devil Comet's Close approach to EarthAccording to a Live Science report, a comet named 12P/Pons-Brooks will make a close approach to Earth on April 21, 2024. The Devil comet has a size of 30 kilometres and it cont...