Tag: comet 12P Pons-Brooks

Rare conjunction on April 8! Devil Comet to coincide with total solar eclipse, promising a celestial spectacle

Rare conjunction on April 8! Devil Comet to coincide with total solar eclipse, promising a celestial spectacle

[ad_1] In a cosmic ballet set to mesmerise skygazers, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks, fondly dubbed the "Devil Comet," is poised for an extraordinary rendezvous with the Great North American Total Solar Eclipse on April 8. While enthusiasts anticipate the prospect of witnessing this extraordinary alignment, uncertainty shrouds whether the comet will unveil itself to the naked eye amidst the daytime eclipse.The Journey of the "Devil Comet”Dubbed a "dirty snowball" by the late Harvard astronomer Fred Whipple, Comet 12P/Pons-Brooks is currently journeying through our celestial neighbourhood, reaching perihelion- its closest proximity to the Sun- on April 21, likely marking its peak brightness, before making its closest approach to Earth on June 2. Illuminated by the Sun's warmth, Pons-Brooks is pro...
Devil Comet to make close approach to Earth very soon! Check what experts say

Devil Comet to make close approach to Earth very soon! Check what experts say

[ad_1] The year 2023 has been a year of rare space occurrences, never-seen views, and comets shining bright in the night sky. Now, we are approaching the new year and researchers have found a comet which could make a close approach to Earth in the coming months. A comet named 12P/Pons-Brooks may come very close to Earth which will enable sky gazers to even view it with the naked eyes or with the help of binoculars. Check what experts are saying about the newfound comet.About comet 12P/Pons-BrooksAccording to a Space.com report, the Devil comet, which is also named 12P/Pons-Brooks, could make a close approach to Earth and it has the capability to shine bright in the night sky in March 2024. The comet was first spotted by French astronomer Jean Louis Pons on July 21, 1812, near two conste...