Tag: coffee test

Not Just Resumes, This Australian Man Recruits People On The Basis Of ‘Coffee Test’

Not Just Resumes, This Australian Man Recruits People On The Basis Of ‘Coffee Test’

[ad_1] Looking for a new job and giving interviews can be a daunting task. We put our best foot forward and show up to meet our new employers, hoping and praying that everything goes well and we get the coveted job of our dreams. But what is it that our prospective employers are looking for when they seek to hire us? For some, it could be factors like work experience or skills. But for this Australian man, the deal-breaker is none other than the coffee you drink during the interview! Believe it or not, an Australian MD has made this startling revelation as per recent reports.(Also Read: What Does Your Coffee Reveal About Your Personality? Expert Decodes)Apart from knowledge and skills, this recruiter also paid attention to the coffee in an interview. Photo: iStockIn a podcast called 'The...