Tag: cme today

Geomagnetic storm sparks breathtaking auroras; Know details of CME impact

Geomagnetic storm sparks breathtaking auroras; Know details of CME impact

[ad_1] The intensity of the Sun's activity has been rising in the last few months, and it is expected to increase even more as we approach the solar maximum. During this period, solar activity is at its peak, resulting in more solar flares, CMEs, solar storms and geomagnetic storms. All these solar phenomena hold the potential to cause damage on Earth. Technological instruments are especially at risk during these events, resulting in power blackouts and even disruption of radio communication.A few days ago, the Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC) of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicted that a CME was on course for Earth, and could hit the planet soon. Geomagnetic storm impactAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, the CME impact occurred on October ...
Solar storm alert as CME approaches Earth! Will it spark a Geomagnetic storm today?

Solar storm alert as CME approaches Earth! Will it spark a Geomagnetic storm today?

[ad_1] When Geomagnetic storms hit Earth, they have the potential to wreak havoc on technological instruments, if they are strong enough. If the initial solar storm churned up by the Sun is weak, it means the impact on Earth will be of much less severity. Although some of the sunspots on the solar surface never even explode, it is important to know the potential impact of such an intense explosion of solar matter. When the approaching CME interacts with Earth's magnetic field, it results in the formation of geomagnetic storms, which are rated on the basis of their intensity. G5-class Geomagnetic storms are the most potent geomagnetic events ever observed and they can send humanity back to the Middle Ages as far as technological prowess is concerned.Now, in a new development, forecasters...
Geomagnetic storm could be triggered by CME today, says NOAA

Geomagnetic storm could be triggered by CME today, says NOAA

[ad_1] Geomagnetic storm today: NASA's Parker Solar Probe on September 5 recorded one of the most powerful Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) ever as it flew by the Sun. According to NASA, the CME hurled out interplanetary dust to about 6 million miles, which is one-sixth of the distance between the Sun and Mercury. Astonishingly, the dust floating around in space replenished it almost immediately. Guillermo Stenborg, an astrophysicist at the Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory (APL) who led this study said, “These interactions between CMEs and dust were theorized two decades ago, but had not been observed until Parker Solar Probe viewed a CME act like a vacuum cleaner, clearing the dust out of its path.”In a separate development, forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Admi...
Geomagnetic storm caused by CME sparks rare red auroras over Scotland

Geomagnetic storm caused by CME sparks rare red auroras over Scotland

[ad_1] Solar activity has been on an upward trend in the last few months and it is expected to increase as the Sun approaches the solar maximum. Earth is set to be in the firing line of CMEs, solar storms, geomagnetic storms, and more as the peak of the Sun's 11-year solar cycle nears. Therefore, it is imperative that we keep a check on the volatile nature of the Sun for any activity that threatens Earth. Astonishingly, the present cycle has exceeded the expectations of scientists as the number of sunspots till now has already passed the total number predicted in this cycle.In a recent development, experts have revealed details about the rare form of auroras that were sparked due to a CME hitting Earth. Know details of this phenomenon and the geomagnetic storm that sparked it. CME spark...
Volatile Sun hurls out CME towards Earth; G2 geomagnetic storm threat looms

Volatile Sun hurls out CME towards Earth; G2 geomagnetic storm threat looms

[ad_1] The Sun has been increasing its activity as we approach the solar maximum and it is expected to increase even more as we near the peak of the 11-year solar cycle. The planet has been continuously bombarded by Geomagnetic storms since the turn of the year and not a single week has gone by without one incident of solar particles hitting our atmosphere. Now, another geomagnetic storm could be on the cards as a result of a CME being hurled towards Earth by the Sun.According to a report by spaceweather.com, forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have revealed details of a CME that was hurled out by the Sun just a few days ago. On July 28, a magnetic filament erupted in the Sun's northern hemisphere, sending a CME towards Earth. When it hits the Earth...
CME hits Earth and causes a 20 nT bang, sparks G1-class Geomagnetic storm today

CME hits Earth and causes a 20 nT bang, sparks G1-class Geomagnetic storm today

[ad_1] NASA has a full suite of instruments to measure solar activity that affects Earth. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory or SOHO is one of the premier instruments that is used by NASA and ESA. Launched in 1995, SOHO is equipped with 12 scientific instruments, such as an Extreme Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (EIT), Michelson Doppler Imager (MDI), LASCO (Large Angle and Spectrometric Coronagraph), and others. SOHO captures images of the sun's corona, measures the velocity and magnetic fields of the sun's surface, and observes the faint corona around the sun.With the help of such advanced tech, forecasters have revealed that a CME hit Earth recently and caused a big jolt that sparked a geomagnetic storm today. CME strikes EarthAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, forecasters ...
Solar flare hurls CME into space, sparking risk of geomagnetic storm

Solar flare hurls CME into space, sparking risk of geomagnetic storm

[ad_1] While Earth's magnetosphere deflects most solar activity carried by solar events, some charged particles seep through. These energetic particles cause magnetic disturbances, classified as Geomagnetic storms. These supercharged storms can wreak havoc on all forms of wireless communication, including GPS, mobile networks, and satellite communication. Power grids are also susceptible to fluctuations and could potentially sustain irreversible damage.In light of the danger that is posed by geomagnetic storms, forecasters at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) have issued a warning against a potential CME impact that could hit Earth and spark a Geomagnetic storm soon. Geomagnetic storm dangerAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, NOAA forecasters have reveale...
Strong solar winds, CME approaching Earth; Could trigger G1-class Geomagnetic storm soon

Strong solar winds, CME approaching Earth; Could trigger G1-class Geomagnetic storm soon

[ad_1] Just yesterday, an unstable sunspot named AR3335 exploded, producing a solar flare that triggered blackouts over the Atlantic Ocean. The resulting solar flare was M2.5 in intensity and caused a shortwave radio blackout. Solar activity has been on the rise for the past few months, and it is expected to increase further until solar maximum, the period of greatest solar activity during the Sun's 11-year cycle. Solar flare riskAccording to a report by spaceweather.com, NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) forecasters have observed multiple streams of solar winds hurtling towards Earth from a coronal hole on the Sun's surface, and these could reach Earth tomorrow, June 21. Moreover, a CME is also expected to deliver a glancing blow on June 22. Both these events have the potential t...
NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 19 April 2023: Wow! Geomagnetic storm sparks auroras

NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day 19 April 2023: Wow! Geomagnetic storm sparks auroras

[ad_1] When the Geomagnetic storm hits Earth, the magnetic field lines of the planet temporarily get disturbed, and the process releases extremely high magnetic energy. The energy and heat are enough to ionize oxygen present in the upper atmosphere and turn it into blue-green hues of light, which we know as Auroras. Northern Lights or Aurora Borealis in the North Pole and Southern Lights or Aurora Australis in the South Pole. Although auroras are usually green in colour, they can sometimes appear as pink or red too.Today's NASA Astronomy Picture of the Day is a stunning snapshot of auroras lighting up the sky in Saariselka, in northern Finnish Lapland. It was a result of a powerful CME hitting Earth and the auroras could be seen not only in the North, but as far as New Mexico, according...
CME storm effect! Sun sparks auroras without even hitting Earth

CME storm effect! Sun sparks auroras without even hitting Earth

[ad_1] CME is one of the most influential drivers of solar storms and leads to powerful Geomagnetic storms on Earth. According to NASA, they are huge bubbles of coronal plasma threaded by intense magnetic field lines that are ejected from the Sun over the course of several hours. Although CMEs usually occur with solar flares, they can occur on their own too, and have the potential to disrupt sensitive electronics on Earth, as well as affect power grids. Surprisingly, a CME doesn't need to strike Earth to have an effect.Just a couple of days ago, a CME passed close by Earth and this caused, what is known as a, 'Ripple Effect'. According to a report by spaceweather.com, the interplanetary magnetic field near Earth suddenly rotated by almost 180 degrees. This usually occurs when a CME pas...