Tag: cme storm today

Solar storm today! Earth will be hit by a massive CME cloud, warns NOAA; geomagnetic storm likely

Solar storm today! Earth will be hit by a massive CME cloud, warns NOAA; geomagnetic storm likely

[ad_1] This week's solar storm prediction models had earlier claimed that today, July 1, was likely to be the worst affected by solar activities. The prediction is likely to come true as a coronal mass ejection (CME) is expected to hit the Earth and deliver a glancing blow later today. This solar storm event is arriving after a bit of a quiet period where Earth escaped as many as three CME hits. Researchers are concerned about the intensity of the storm as well as its adverse effects on satellites and wireless communication infrastructure.According to a report by SpaceWeather.com, “NOAA forecasters say that a CME might graze Earth's magnetic field on July 1st. It was launched into space three days ago by an erupting magnetic filament in the sun's northern hemisphere”. A similar report b...
Beware! Earth can face a shocking CME storm today! Blackout danger looming over Earth

Beware! Earth can face a shocking CME storm today! Blackout danger looming over Earth

[ad_1] The Sun has thrown solar particles towards the Earth which can cause a powerful CME storm today. Know if it can cause radio blackouts. A couple of days ago, the Sun virtually exploded. A filament of magnetism erupted on the surface of our star and it shot up thousands of kilometers in the sky. It was spotted by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) telescope DSCOVR and it reported that magnetized solar particles, also known as coronal mass ejections (CME) were thrown in the direction of the Earth. If our planet faces the full brunt of this CME storm, it can cause widespread blackouts, GPS disruptions and even make mobile phone and Internet networks temporarily inaccessible. Read on to know the likelihood of a CME storm and the consequences it can bring to E...
Earth faces Triple-Threat from the Sun! Destructive solar storm could strike us soon

Earth faces Triple-Threat from the Sun! Destructive solar storm could strike us soon

[ad_1] Three sunspots are coming together on the Earth-facing side of the Sun and they can cause a terrifying solar storm strike on our planet. One of the sunspots, AR3088, became notorious for blasting extremely powerful solar radiation at Venus. The Earth has been luckily escaping the wrath of the Sun even as it ramps up its volatility as it goes through its 11-year solar cycle. Today, Earth stands in a very difficult situation because of these constant solar storms. Some of the strongest solar storms this year were fortunately directed towards Venus and not Earth, with the most recent one coming just the previous week. But now, things are changing and a terrifying time might be coming for our planet as the same sunspot res...