Tag: CME geomagnetic storm

CME storm effect! Sun sparks auroras without even hitting Earth

CME storm effect! Sun sparks auroras without even hitting Earth

[ad_1] CME is one of the most influential drivers of solar storms and leads to powerful Geomagnetic storms on Earth. According to NASA, they are huge bubbles of coronal plasma threaded by intense magnetic field lines that are ejected from the Sun over the course of several hours. Although CMEs usually occur with solar flares, they can occur on their own too, and have the potential to disrupt sensitive electronics on Earth, as well as affect power grids. Surprisingly, a CME doesn't need to strike Earth to have an effect.Just a couple of days ago, a CME passed close by Earth and this caused, what is known as a, 'Ripple Effect'. According to a report by spaceweather.com, the interplanetary magnetic field near Earth suddenly rotated by almost 180 degrees. This usually occurs when a CME pas...