Tag: clinical trials

Predictions of AI-powered models strictly trial-specific, have no generalisability: Study

Predictions of AI-powered models strictly trial-specific, have no generalisability: Study

[ad_1] AI-powered prediction models made accurate predictions within the trial they were developed in, but gave "random predictions" outside of it, according to a new research. Researchers said the study showed that generalisations of predictions of artificial intelligence-based models across different study centres cannot be ensured at the moment and that these models were "highly context-dependent". Results of the study have been published in the journal Science.Pooling data from across trials too did not help matters, the team found. The team of researchers, including those from the universities of Cologne (Germany) and Yale (US), were testing the accuracy of AI-driven models in predicting the response of schizophrenic patients to antipsychotic medication across several independent c...