Tag: cholesterol home remedies

Oatmeal Water: How This Powerful Concoction May Help Manage Cholesterol

Oatmeal Water: How This Powerful Concoction May Help Manage Cholesterol

[ad_1] Heart health has come into the limelight in the recent past. In India, heart issues are quite common, including high blood pressure, high cholesterol and more. Experts suggest that these ailments can be managed to some extent with the right kind of diet and lifestyle patterns. There are so many ingredients and foods in the Indian kitchen that may be helpful in managing lifestyle and heart diseases. Oatmeal, for instance, has been touted to be a superfood, especially for cholesterol and heart health. This oatmeal water is an excellent way to consume the ingredient while absorbing all of its health benefits in an efficient manner.What Is Oatmeal Water?Oatmeal water is simply a mixture of uncooked or raw oats that are soaked in water and consumed directly. The ideal way is to make th...