Tag: chocolate benefits

The Surprising Science Behind Why Chocolate Makes Us Happy

The Surprising Science Behind Why Chocolate Makes Us Happy

[ad_1] How do you typically lift your spirits when you're feeling low or downcast? Perhaps you reach for a piece of chocolate or savour a bowl of chocolate ice cream. Chocolate has an undeniable ability to elevate our mood whenever needed. However, have you ever pondered the reasons behind this phenomenon? While many attribute it to the comforting and delightful taste, there's more to the story - a scientific explanation behind the connection between chocolate and happiness. Intrigued? Let's delve into the fascinating details.Link Between Chocolate And Happiness: Why Chocolate Makes You Happy?Chocolate, especially the dark ones, helps us cope with stress. Dark chocolate contains antioxidants, which, according to health experts, have the natural ability to uplift your mood.According to a ...
Debunking Myths! 6 Misconceptions About Chocolate You Should Stop Believing Now

Debunking Myths! 6 Misconceptions About Chocolate You Should Stop Believing Now

[ad_1] Indulging in a piece of chocolate is always a delight, whether it's to satisfy your sweet tooth or lift your spirits. Chocolate has the incredible ability to instantly transform any dessert into a delicious treat. Unfortunately, controversies surrounding chocolates have created a love-hate relationship for many people. With our understanding of this beloved food constantly evolving, it becomes challenging to separate fact from fiction. But worry not, as we've got you covered. On this World Chocolate Day, we'll dive deep into the facts to debunk the most common myths about chocolate once and for all. Let's explore!Also Read: Bitter Is Better - What Is Dark Chocolate And Why It Is Good For YouPhoto Credit: iStockMyths vs Facts: Debunking 6 Common Misconceptions About ChocolateMyth 1...
Is Chocolate Good For You? 4 Tips To Choose The Right One

Is Chocolate Good For You? 4 Tips To Choose The Right One

[ad_1] To flavour milk, or a bowl of cereal, or simply as a post-meal sweet, chocolate is a hit across all age groups. When you spot a delicious bar of chocolate in front of your eyes, it's so hard to resist biting into it. It elevates your mood, tempts your tastebuds and gives you a boost of energy to tackle the day. From nuts to caramel, dried fruits to butterscotch bits - there are so many variations and versions of chocolate available in the market today. But is chocolate good for you or is it can it prove harmful for your health? Here's all you need to know.What Is Chocolate Made Of?Chocolate has had a long history of production and consumption. It is made from cacao beans that go through fermentation, drying, roasting and grounding. What's left after processing is a rich and fatty ...