Tag: chinese restaurants in kolkata

5 Iconic Chinese Eateries In Kolkata That Every Foodie Must Try!

5 Iconic Chinese Eateries In Kolkata That Every Foodie Must Try!

[ad_1] Imagine a plate of spicy hakka noodles, with sides of chilli chicken- the very thought is enough to make us all slurp. Isn't it? Desi Chinese delicacies have a special place in every Indian's heart. In fact, it won't be an exaggeration to say, there are certain cravings that can only be satiated with the flavourful Indo-Chinese cuisine. But have you ever explored the story behind Indiansation of Chinese food? Let us tell you, it all started in Kolkata. Here, we will take you through some of the iconic Chinese eateries across the city that helped shape what we enjoy today as Desi Chinese. Read on.History Of Indo-Chinese Cuisine: What Is The Origin Of Indo-Chinese Food?If you are remotely aware of the history of Kolkata, you would know that the Hakka Chinese traders first came to In...