Tag: chia seeds aid weight loss

Revive Your Energy Levels: Try This Simple Recipe For Amla Ginger Juice

Revive Your Energy Levels: Try This Simple Recipe For Amla Ginger Juice

[ad_1] When the sun is blazing hot, it's not uncommon to feel fatigued and tired. With the rise in temperature and humidity, our body loses more fluids, causing dehydration and fatigue. Also, exposure to the sun for an extended period of time can lead to exhaustion, as the body struggles to maintain its energy levels. Sluggishness, especially during the afternoons, leads to unproductiveness, and nobody wants that. We might have found just the perfect 'wake-up' solution to tackle this and get your mind and body back to normality - with your diet.Also Read: Are Mangoes Safe For Diabetics? Expert Insights RevealedWhat Foods Help With Fatigue?You will find a host of foods with energising properties. Usually, the foods that boost immunity and metabolism are also the foods that energise the bo...
How To Consume Chia Seeds For Weight Loss – Dos And Don’ts

How To Consume Chia Seeds For Weight Loss – Dos And Don’ts

[ad_1] Weight loss is not an overnight achievement but a journey. There are so many factors that can affect weight loss including a healthy and balanced diet, lifestyle patterns and a good night's sleep. When we are trying to lose weight, we are always on the lookout for new and interesting ingredients that could accelerate our weight loss journey. Luckily, scientific discoveries and research reveal such superfoods for weight loss every single day. Chia seeds or Salvia Hispanica is one such food that has proven its mettle in helping us shed those extra kilos. But what exactly is the correct way to consume them to gain maximum benefit from them in terms of weight loss? Here's all you need to know.Also Read: Chill Out And Slim Down With This Weight Loss-Special RaitaWhy Are Chia Seeds Bene...
Weight Loss Diet: How To Make Chia Seeds Tea For Weight Loss

Weight Loss Diet: How To Make Chia Seeds Tea For Weight Loss

[ad_1] If you are trying to lose weight, you are probably aware that there is no quick fix. It calls for patience, hard work, and a strict diet. A few healthy additions to the diet, on the other hand, may help speed up the process. If you look around and explore, you will find a variety of weight-loss-friendly detox drinks and teas. For instance, turmeric tea, aloe vera water, lemon water and more. All these drinks are just perfect to add to the diet. But if you want something different, we've got a tea recipe for you that uses chia seeds. There are numerous prized ingredients in nature that provide tremendous health benefits. Chia seeds are an example. According to the book "Healing Foods" by DK Publishing House, the fibre present in chia seeds helps stabilise blood sugar levels and reg...