Tag: chelyabinsk event

Asteroid, the size of Chelyabinsk meteor, to pass Earth closely TODAY! NASA on alert

Asteroid, the size of Chelyabinsk meteor, to pass Earth closely TODAY! NASA on alert

[ad_1] Earth has been bombarded with environmental phenomena such as solar storms, solar flares, and earthquakes while also witnessing countless asteroids pass by at close distances. These close approaches have served as a reminder of the threat posed by these space rocks and highlighted the importance of tracking and studying them. Apart from keeping a check on asteroid impacts, scientists also study asteroids to gain insight into the early solar system and the conditions that existed when the planets were forming. Asteroids can also provide valuable resources such as water, metals, and other minerals.To track asteroids, NASA uses telescopes such as the Pans-STARRS1 located in Maui, Hawaii, and the Catalina Sky Survey situated near Tucson, Arizona to conduct surveys. Additionally, NEOW...
This asteroid actually crashed against Earth and changed space science forever

This asteroid actually crashed against Earth and changed space science forever

[ad_1] Asteroids often make close approaches to Earth, and they mostly do so without causing any harm. However, there is no guarantee that an asteroid will not hit Earth in the future. If history has taught us anything, nothing in life is certain. That turned out to be true, especially for people of Russia as an asteroid strike on Earth was reported in the city of Chelyabinsk on February 15, 2013. It recorded a 59-foot asteroid exploding over the city which left nearly 8000 buildings damaged and over 1000 people injured.However, this wasn't the only asteroid strike in history, which had a devastating effect on Earth. Another asteroid event in recent recorded history happened in 1908, when a 196 feet wide asteroid exploded near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Eastern Siberia, Russia....
Shocking meteor EXPLOSION forced NASA to trigger its asteroid defense-the Chelyabinsk event

Shocking meteor EXPLOSION forced NASA to trigger its asteroid defense-the Chelyabinsk event

[ad_1] On February 15, 2013, 10 years ago, a 59-foot wide meteorite exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia. The explosion caused the meteorite to break down into small rocks which rained on the city. While it did not cause any loss of life although many were injured due to the intense heat from the blast, many injured from glass shards from broken windows that were struck by the rocks and others reported eye damage from the excessively bright spark. This event became a pivotal moment for humans to recognize the terrifying threat that floated above them. Many astronomers believe that this event led to a period of intense research and development of technology in the field of astronomy that was dedicated to asteroid defense mechanisms.As per a report by Space.com, Paul Chodas, man...