Tag: Chelyabinsk asteroid

ESA is preparing for an asteroid strike and Apophis will play a big role in it; know how

ESA is preparing for an asteroid strike and Apophis will play a big role in it; know how

[ad_1] A decade ago, the Earth was struck by the Chelyabinsk asteroid over Russia's Ural region. The asteroid exploded above the city and created a shockwave affecting 1500 people and destroying over 7300 buildings. It served to create fear, but more than that, it sent all the space agencies back to the drawing board to prepare contingency plans for such an event that may have far worse consequences. The fear of asteroid strike is always swings there as it had wiped out the dinosaurs from the face of Earth millions of years ago. Therefore, to study such potential Earth-striking asteroids and the impact they may have, the United Nations Committee on Peaceful Uses of Outer Space created two international bodies: the International Asteroid Warning Network (IAWN) and the Space Mission Plann...
A better DART mission for asteroid deflection? Know what NASA says

A better DART mission for asteroid deflection? Know what NASA says

[ad_1] The threat of asteroids hitting the Earth is always present and scientists have been working for decades now to track them and to devise the methods to deflect them or otherwise neutralize any threat potential they may have. One of the methods is to alter the direction of the asteroids moving towards our planet. Although the chances of any asteroid hitting our planet are low, but the considering the devastating impact it can have, it is necessary to keep a track.One such mission is NASA's DART mission. It was the first-ever mission by NASA whose main goal was to investigate and demonstrate a method of asteroid deflection by changing an its motion in space through kinetic impact. The first such impact was carried out by NASA in 2022. The analysis of data obtained by NASA's Double ...
110-foot asteroid to pass Earth today; Know details of close approach

110-foot asteroid to pass Earth today; Know details of close approach

[ad_1] In a new development, NASA has revealed that an asteroid is set to pass Earth by a close margin today, November 15. NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS) has designated this space rock as Asteroid 2023 UO. The asteroid was discovered and tracked using various ground and space-based telescopes. It will pass Earth at a distance of approximately 2.4 million kilometers. Check out all the details of Asteroid 2023 UO's close approach.Asteroid 2023 UO: Details of close approachNASA has revealed the asteroid is travelling in its orbit at a breakneck speed of 24492 kilometers per hour, which is much faster than the speed of a hypersonic ballistic missile! This is not the first time that the asteroid will come close to Earth. It first passed the planet on November 16, 1911, w...
Wow! Asteroid 2023 TV3 to pass Earth 4 times closer than the Moon! Know details

Wow! Asteroid 2023 TV3 to pass Earth 4 times closer than the Moon! Know details

[ad_1] NASA, ESA and other space agencies have a suite of ground and space-based telescopes and observatories to track and monitor asteroids. Despite the presence of these technological marvels, an asteroid snuck past all of them! The asteroid, named Asteroid 2023 NT1, made its closest approach to Earth on July 13 when it entered Earth's 60,000-mile radius, which is 4 times closer than the Moon! It was not a small rock either, as scientists later revealed it was nearly 200 feet wide, about 4 times the size of the Chelyabinsk asteroid that caused massive damage in Russia. It was at last found by the Asteroid Terrestrials-Impacts Last Alert System (ATLAS) observatory in South Africa on July 15.In a new development, NASA has revealed that an asteroid is set for its closest approach to Eart...
Asteroid, the size of Chelyabinsk meteor, to pass Earth closely TODAY! NASA on alert

Asteroid, the size of Chelyabinsk meteor, to pass Earth closely TODAY! NASA on alert

[ad_1] Earth has been bombarded with environmental phenomena such as solar storms, solar flares, and earthquakes while also witnessing countless asteroids pass by at close distances. These close approaches have served as a reminder of the threat posed by these space rocks and highlighted the importance of tracking and studying them. Apart from keeping a check on asteroid impacts, scientists also study asteroids to gain insight into the early solar system and the conditions that existed when the planets were forming. Asteroids can also provide valuable resources such as water, metals, and other minerals.To track asteroids, NASA uses telescopes such as the Pans-STARRS1 located in Maui, Hawaii, and the Catalina Sky Survey situated near Tucson, Arizona to conduct surveys. Additionally, NEOW...
Asteroid 2023 HX1 speeding towards Earth at a fiery 38126 kmph

Asteroid 2023 HX1 speeding towards Earth at a fiery 38126 kmph

[ad_1] A planet-ending celestial object strikes the Earth every few million years. But an asteroid doesn't have to be hundreds of kilometers wide to cause substantial damage. For example, the asteroid that exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk on 15 February 2013 was just 59 feet wide. However, it caused significant damage to life and property and left nearly 8000 buildings damaged and over 1000 people injured.NASA has now issued an alert against an asteroid with a size similar to the Chelyabinsk asteroid, and it is expected to make its closest approach to Earth today. Asteroid 2023 HX1 detailsAsteroid 2023 HX1 is currently heading towards Earth and is projected to narrowly avoid colliding with the planet today, April 21. NASA estimates that it will come closest to Earth at a distance o...
This asteroid actually crashed against Earth and changed space science forever

This asteroid actually crashed against Earth and changed space science forever

[ad_1] Asteroids often make close approaches to Earth, and they mostly do so without causing any harm. However, there is no guarantee that an asteroid will not hit Earth in the future. If history has taught us anything, nothing in life is certain. That turned out to be true, especially for people of Russia as an asteroid strike on Earth was reported in the city of Chelyabinsk on February 15, 2013. It recorded a 59-foot asteroid exploding over the city which left nearly 8000 buildings damaged and over 1000 people injured.However, this wasn't the only asteroid strike in history, which had a devastating effect on Earth. Another asteroid event in recent recorded history happened in 1908, when a 196 feet wide asteroid exploded near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River in Eastern Siberia, Russia....
Chelyabinsk disaster shows how dangerous an asteroid really is; Know this HORROR story

Chelyabinsk disaster shows how dangerous an asteroid really is; Know this HORROR story

[ad_1] Astrophysicist Neil deGrasse Tyson spoke about the asteroid horror story, dubbed the Chelyabinsk disaster, in Russia. Know just how dangerous an asteroid can be. On February 15, 2013, an asteroid exploded over the city of Chelyabinsk, Russia. The explosion resulted in the asteroid breaking down into small pebbles which rained onto Earth in the form of debris. The debris itself was not the cause of any real injury or damage. Amazingly, the real threat was from the explosion that took place and the shock wave that followed combined with the reality of modern living. The horror story that ensued injured nearly a thousand people. Since the last major asteroid strike to the Earth was hundreds of thousands years ago, most do not realize the lethality of even the smallest of space roc...