Tag: chatgpt user guide

How Should You Talk to ChatGPT? A User’s Guide

How Should You Talk to ChatGPT? A User’s Guide

[ad_1] About 100 million people used ChatGPT in the month of January, according to one estimate, which would be the fastest-growing user base ever. Yet I often speak to people who are less than impressed with ChatGPT, citing its mistakes and banalities, and they suggest it is a passing fad. In response, allow me to offer a short guide to using ChatGPT. It can do many things for you — organize your notes, correct your grammar, work with mathematical symbols. But I will focus on the most basic use: querying it. To use it well, you need to let go of some of your intuitions about talking to humans. ChatGPT is a bot. If you are talking to a human and he or she doesn't understand you, you might make your question simpler. That is exactly the wrong tack to take with ChatGPT. You will get...