Tag: chatgpt risk

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Bot Probed by FTC Over Consumer Harms

OpenAI’s ChatGPT Bot Probed by FTC Over Consumer Harms

[ad_1] The US Federal Trade Commission has opened an investigation into OpenAI Inc., questioning whether its popular ChatGPT conversational AI bot puts consumers' reputations and data at risk, according to a person familiar with the matter.The probe into the Microsoft Corp. -backed startup marks the first official inquiry into a technology that has the potential to change almost every aspect of people's lives and has become almost equally fascinating for its potential to run awry. FTC Chair Lina Khan, who testified before Congress Thursday, has raised concerns about AI before, saying enforcers “need to be vigilant early” with transformative tools like artificial intelligence. Microsoft declined to comment. In a series of tweets Thursday, OpenAI Chief Executive Officer Sam Altman said “o...
Google, one of AI’s biggest backers, warns own staff about chatbots

Google, one of AI’s biggest backers, warns own staff about chatbots

[ad_1] Alphabet Inc is cautioning employees about how they use chatbots, including its own Bard, at the same time as it markets the program around the world, four people familiar with the matter told Reuters.The Google parent has advised employees not to enter its confidential materials into AI chatbots, the people said and the company confirmed, citing long-standing policy on safeguarding information. The chatbots, among them Bard and ChatGPT, are human-sounding programs that use so-called generative artificial intelligence to hold conversations with users and answer myriad prompts. Human reviewers may read the chats, and researchers found that similar AI could reproduce the data it absorbed during training, creating a leak risk. Alphabet also alerted its engineers to avoid direct use ...
ChatGPT Risks Divide Biden Administration Over EU’s AI Rules

ChatGPT Risks Divide Biden Administration Over EU’s AI Rules

[ad_1] Biden administration officials are divided over how aggressively new artificial intelligence tools should be regulated — and their differences are playing out this week in Sweden.Some White House and Commerce Department officials support the strong measures proposed by the European Union for AI products such as ChatGPT and Dall-E, people involved in the discussions said. Meanwhile, US national security officials and some in the State Department say aggressively regulating this nascent technology will put the nation at a competitive disadvantage, according to the people, who asked not to be identified because the information isn't public. This dissonance has left the US without a coherent response during this week's US-EU Trade and Technology Council gathering in Sweden to the EU'...
AI ‘Will Cause Real Damage,’ Microsoft Chief Economist Warns

AI ‘Will Cause Real Damage,’ Microsoft Chief Economist Warns

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence will be dangerous in the hands of unscrupulous people, according to Microsoft Corp. Chief Economist Michael Schwarz.“I am confident AI will be used by bad actors, and yes it will cause real damage,” Schwarz said during a World Economic Forum panel in Geneva on Wednesday. “It can do a lot damage in the hands of spammers with elections and so on.” AI “clearly” must be regulated, he said, but lawmakers should be cautious and wait until the technology causes “real harm.” Artificial intelligence tools have come under increased scrutiny as their use exploded in recent months following the debut of ChatGPT. Policymakers are trying to pressure companies to implement safeguards around the emerging technology.“Once we see real harm, we have to ask ourselves the simp...