Tag: ChatGPT Italy

Italy allocates funds to shield workers from AI replacement threat

Italy allocates funds to shield workers from AI replacement threat

[ad_1] Italy on Monday earmarked 30 million euros ($33 million) to improve the skills of unemployed people as well as those workers whose jobs could be most at risk from the advance of automation and artificial intelligence. According to the Fondo per la Repubblica Digitale (FRD), set up in 2021 by the Rome government to boost the digital skills of Italians, 54% of those aged 16-74 lack basic digital skills, compared with an average 46% in the European Union. The funding in improving training will be allocated in two ways, FRD said. Of the total, 10 million euros will go towards boosting the skills of those whose jobs are at high risk of being replaced due to automation and technological innovation. The remaining 20 million euros will be allocated to help unemployed and economically i...
Italy lifts block on ChatGPT, AI chatbot owner says

Italy lifts block on ChatGPT, AI chatbot owner says

[ad_1] Italy has lifted its block on ChatGPT after temporarily banning it over data privacy concerns last month, the artificial intelligence chatbot's owner said Friday."ChatGPT is available again for our users in Italy. We are delighted to welcome them back and remain committed to protecting their personal data," an OpenAI spokesperson said. ChatGPT caused a global sensation when it was released last year for generating essays, songs, exams and even news articles from brief prompts. But critics have fretted over how ChatGPT and its competitors collect and process their data.In March, Italy became the first Western country to take action against the popular AI chatbot.The country's data protection watchdog had said that US firm OpenAI, which developed ChatGPT, had no legal basis to just...
Italy says ChatGPT can be back if it makes ‘useful’ changes

Italy says ChatGPT can be back if it makes ‘useful’ changes

[ad_1] The head of Italy's privacy watchdog was hopeful Tuesday that OpenAI would adjust its AI chatbot so it could be back online in the country at the end of April.Italy's watchdog temporarily blocked ChatGPT at the end of March over data privacy concerns, becoming the first Western country to take action against the popular artificial intelligence (AI) chatbot. "We are ready to reopen ChatGPT on April 30, if there is a willingness on the part of OpenAI to take useful steps," Data Protection Authority chief Pasquale Stanzione told the Corriere della Sera daily. "It seems that on the company's side there is, we'll see," he said.ChatGPT caused a global sensation when it was released last year for generating essays, songs, exams and even news articles from brief prompts.But critics have ...
ChatGPT can resume in Italy if meets data watchdog’s demands

ChatGPT can resume in Italy if meets data watchdog’s demands

[ad_1] Italy's data protection agency set out a list of demands on Wednesday to address its concerns over ChatGPT and allow the chatbot service run by OpenAI to resume in the country.Almost two weeks ago Microsoft Corp-backed OpenAI took ChatGPT offline in Italy after the authority, known as Garante, temporarily restricted its personal data processing and began a probe into a suspected breach of privacy rules. In a statement on Wednesday Garante laid out a set of "concrete" demands to be met by the end of this month "Only in this case.. the authority will suspend the provisional restrictions on the use of the data of Italian users ... and ChatGPT will once again become accessible in Italy," it said.OpenAI did not immediately respond to a request for comment.Italy was the first Western E...