Tag: ChatGPT in Argentina

Argentina’s Inflation Problem Stumped ChatGPT

Argentina’s Inflation Problem Stumped ChatGPT

[ad_1] Alas, GPT-4 can't fix the Argentine economy.It was worth a try. Nobody in Argentina seems to be able to do it. It has fallen into disarray so many times that despair has become indifference. Even the jokes are drying up. (ChatGPT offered this one: Why do Argentine economists make the best magicians? Because they can make your money disappear.) To be fair, this is (probably) only the first time this century that inflation in Argentina has hit triple digits. It is far from the 1980s price increases in the several-thousand-percent range. Still, the country is on its 22nd bailout from the International Monetary Fund, and the peso is worth half what it was a year ago. What's more, policymakers in Buenos Aires somehow pulled off this train wreck despite robust demand for Argentina's c...