Tag: chatgpt ban in schools

Don’t fret about students using ChatGPT to cheat – AI is a bigger threat to educational equality

Don’t fret about students using ChatGPT to cheat – AI is a bigger threat to educational equality

[ad_1] Schools and universities are panicking about artificial intelligence (AI) and cheating. But AI presents far more significant threats to equity in education.Fears of cheating typically arise from concerns about fairness. How is it fair that one student spends weeks labouring over an essay, while another asks ChatGPT to write the same thing in just a few minutes? Fretting about giving each student a “fair go” is essential to maintaining the idea of New Zealand as an egalitarian country. But as with the myth of the “American dream”, the egalitarian narrative of New Zealand masks more pernicious inequities like structural racism and the housing crisis, both of which have an outsized – and decidedly unfair – influence on today's students. These persistent inequities dwarf the threat o...