Tag: Chatbots

Reddit trumpets revenue source besides ads: Lucrative AI deals

Reddit trumpets revenue source besides ads: Lucrative AI deals

[ad_1] Artificial intelligence will become an important part of Reddit Inc.'s business, the company said Thursday in its long-awaited filing for an initial public offering — tapping into a revenue stream that could be both lucrative and controversial. San Francisco-based Reddit, a platform that hosts conversations on thousands of different topics, makes most of its money by selling ads that appear alongside social content. In its filing, the 19-year-old company outlined another line of additional business: selling that content to companies building ChatGPT-like chatbots. Big tech companies, like Google and OpenAI, are willing to pay a lot of money for content to improve their large language models, AI software that is built using troves of data. On Thursday, in addition to its public fi...
Sam Altman-led OpenAI Launches New Store For Users to Share Custom ChatGPT Chatbots

Sam Altman-led OpenAI Launches New Store For Users to Share Custom ChatGPT Chatbots

[ad_1] CEO Sam Altman-led OpenAI has launched an online store where people can share customized versions of the company's popular ChatGPT chatbot, after initially delaying the rollout because of leadership upheaval last year. The new store, which rolled out Wednesday to paid ChatGPT users, will corral the chatbots that users create for a variety of tasks, for example a version of ChatGPT that can teach math to a child or come up with colorful cocktail recipes. The product, called the GPT Store, will include chatbots that users have chosen to share publicly. It will eventually introduce ways for people to make money from their creations — much as they might through the app stores of Apple Inc. or Alphabet Inc.'s Google.Similar to those app stores, OpenAI's GPT Store will let users see th...
Vistara plans to use virtual reality, augmented reality tech for training purposes

Vistara plans to use virtual reality, augmented reality tech for training purposes

[ad_1] Vistara plans to use virtual reality and augmented reality technologies for certain training activities for the staff, the airline's chief Vinod Kannan said on Monday and emphasised that there is always going to be a place for human intelligence as certain situations cannot be handled by bots.The full service carrier, which will complete nine years of flying on January 9, is already using chatbots to address customer queries. To a query about the use of artificial intelligence by the airline, its CEO Vinod Kannan said there are certain things that have already been done. "We have a chatbot. We are trying to improve how we do some of our training. We are also looking at virtual reality, augmented reality. Some pilots (projects) we are doing on that front to see whether they can re...
CES 2024 to feature a plethora of AI-focused announcements; Know what is coming

CES 2024 to feature a plethora of AI-focused announcements; Know what is coming

[ad_1] In the year 2023, we witnessed the rise of generative artificial intelligence, as big players such as Microsoft, Google, and Meta, were among those who entered the AI arms race and launched their own chatbots and other tools. The Consumer Electronics Show 2024 (CES 2024) is also expected to be filled with companies showcasing their AI innovation. We already know Samsung will be displaying its AI-powered refrigerator, and LG will be unveiling its smart home AI. Let us take a look at the AI announcements we can expect at the event, which is set to take off on January 9 in Las Vegas.AI announcements at CES 2024Samsung: In an announcement made on December 27, Samsung revealed that at CES 2024, it will be unveiling its Bespoke 4-Door Flex Refrigerator with AI Family Hub. Fitted with A...
Intel Unveils Server, PC Chips in Bid to Join AI Gold Rush, But Faces Tough AMD, Nvidia Test

Intel Unveils Server, PC Chips in Bid to Join AI Gold Rush, But Faces Tough AMD, Nvidia Test

[ad_1]  Intel Corp., the biggest maker of personal computer processors, announced new chips for PCs and data centers that the company hopes will give it a bigger slice of the booming market for artificial intelligence hardware.The lineup includes updated Xeon server chips — the second overhaul of that processor in less than a year — that use less electricity while boosting performance and memory, the company said in a statement Thursday. Intel's Ultra Core chips for laptops and desktop computers, meanwhile, will let PCs process AI functions directly.  Intel's new product with the most to prove may be the Gaudi 3, the latest installment of a line that competes with Nvidia Corp.'s industry-leading H100. These chips — known as AI accelerators — help companies develop chatbots and other rap...
5 ways ChatGPT can assist customer care professionals in getting faster, and effective resolutions

5 ways ChatGPT can assist customer care professionals in getting faster, and effective resolutions

[ad_1] Generative artificial intelligence (AI), ever since it exploded into the mainstream, has been impacting a large number of industries. The most prominent of them all is the customer care industry. While it was initially said that ChatGPT would end up taking these jobs away from actual employees, the current trend highlights that the most effective model is AI-assisted customer care. According to a survey by Userlike, nearly 80 percent of users want chatbots to eventually provide the option to transfer to a human support representative. So, what exactly is the best way to incorporate AI chatbots like ChatGPT in the customer care space? Know these 5 effective ways.How ChatGPT can help customer care professionals1. Automated responses: ChatGPT can be used to automate routine and repe...
Transforming emerging markets: How AI is empowering consumers in India

Transforming emerging markets: How AI is empowering consumers in India

[ad_1] In recent years, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a transformative force with the potential to revolutionize various industries across the globe. While its applications are numerous, one of the most promising and impactful areas is its ability to empower consumers in emerging markets. That's us.In countries like India, Bangladesh, and across the African continent, AI is opening doors to greater access, affordability, and convenience in essential services, thereby enhancing the quality of life for millions. It's time we learn how AI is helping us. Michael Puscar, an entrepreneur, venture capitalist, and a published data scientist, who has founded companies including Yuxi Pacific, GITP Ventures, Oiga Technologies and NPCx, says that the barriers to implement AI technolog...
AI chatbots are supposed to improve health care. But research says some are perpetuating racism

AI chatbots are supposed to improve health care. But research says some are perpetuating racism

[ad_1]  As hospitals and health care systems turn to artificial intelligence to help summarize doctors' notes and analyze health records, a new study led by Stanford School of Medicine researchers cautions that popular chatbots are perpetuating racist, debunked medical ideas, prompting concerns that the tools could worsen health disparities for Black patients.Powered by AI models trained on troves of text pulled from the internet, chatbots such as ChatGPT and Google's Bard responded to the researchers' questions with a range of misconceptions and falsehoods about Black patients, sometimes including fabricated, race-based equations, according to the study published Friday in the academic journal Digital Medicine and obtained exclusively by The Associated Press. Experts worry these system...
AI chatbot hallucination problem is huge, here is how tech companies are facing the challenge

AI chatbot hallucination problem is huge, here is how tech companies are facing the challenge

[ad_1] There is no doubt that generative artificial intelligence (AI) has proven itself to be a revolutionary technology. But we are still scratching the surface of what this technology is capable of. Just like any technology, it is bound to get more powerful and impactful with further research and its integration into existing technologies. However, one of the major challenges both AI researchers and tech companies building AI tools are facing is the problem of AI hallucination which is slowing its adoption and reducing the trust users have on them.What is AI hallucination?AI hallucinations are essentially incidents when an AI chatbot gives out an incorrect or nonsensical response to a question. Sometimes, the hallucinations can be blatant, for example, recently, Google Bard and Micros...
Can chatbots be therapists? Only if you want them to be

Can chatbots be therapists? Only if you want them to be

[ad_1] A manager at artificial intelligence firm OpenAI caused consternation recently by writing that she just had "a quite emotional, personal conversation" with her firm's viral chatbot ChatGPT."Never tried therapy before but this is probably it?" Lilian Weng posted on X, formerly Twitter, prompting a torrent of negative commentary accusing her of downplaying mental illness. However, Weng's take on her interaction with ChatGPT may be explained by a version of the placebo effect outlined this week by research in the Nature Machine Intelligence journal. A team from Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Arizona State University asked more than 300 participants to interact with mental health AI programmes and primed them on what to expect.Some were told the chatbot was empatheti...