Tag: Chandrayaan moon landing

Chandrayaan 3 Moon landing Live Updates: In 7 hours, ISRO will attempt the historic soft landing on the Moon

Chandrayaan 3 Moon landing Live Updates: In 7 hours, ISRO will attempt the historic soft landing on the Moon

[ad_1] Chandrayaan-3 Moon Landing Live Updates: The nation is now waiting in hopes of witnessing the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) making history by successfully landing the Vikram Lander on the south pole of the Moon, bringing the 40-day space journey to a successful end. Successor to the Chandrayaan-2 mission (2019) where the Lander Module unfortunately crashed due to a malfunction ...Read More Chandrayaan-3 lander established contact with Chandrayaan-2 orbiter The Vikram Lander has established two-way communication with the Chandrayaan-2 orbiter. ISRO tweeted, “Welcome, buddy! Ch-2 orbiter formally welcomed Ch-3 LM. Two-way communication between the two is established. MOX has now more routes to reach the LM”.  Establishing the communication...
Chandrayaan-3 lander snaps far side of the Moon as it readies for touchdown

Chandrayaan-3 lander snaps far side of the Moon as it readies for touchdown

[ad_1] The countdown to the touchdown of the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)'s Chandryaan-3 spacecraft has now begun. With just 3 days to go, the anticipation is building up. The last-minute failure of Russia's Luna-25 spacecraft, which was also on a similar mission, means that all eyes are on the Indian spacecraft. With the touchdown looming, ISRO has now shared new images of the far side of the Moon captured by the camera aboard the Chandrayaan-3. Chandrayaan-3 snaps lunar far sideThe images were captured by Lander Hazard Detection and Avoidance Camera (LHDAC) aboard the spacecraft, which aids in locating a safe landing area, avoiding any deep trenches or huge rocks that could hamper the landing. The LHDAC camera was developed by ISRO at the Space Applications Center, a spac...
Chandrayaan-3: After successful deboosting, Vikram Lander enters the lower orbit of the Moon; Know the latest update

Chandrayaan-3: After successful deboosting, Vikram Lander enters the lower orbit of the Moon; Know the latest update

[ad_1] The Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) completed a major maneuver for the Chandrayaan-3 mission on Friday when it performed Vikram Lander's first deboosting operation to enter a lower orbit around the Moon. This means now the Lander Module (LM) is much closer to the lunar surface than it was before. ISRO also shared a set of visuals of the Moon captured by the camera sensors on the LM which were taken a day prior. In these breathtaking photos, we can see a close-up view of the Moon with the Earth in the background. Now, the mission is entering its final legs. A second deboosting is scheduled for August 20, and then the eventual landing will take place on August 23.This image of the Moon was captured shortly after the Vikram Lander separated from the Propulsion Module of th...
Chandrayaan-3 moon mission: Know what’s coming next

Chandrayaan-3 moon mission: Know what’s coming next

[ad_1] Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO)'s Chandrayaan-3 mission could not have had a better start, with the lander commencing its deboosting process today. The mission, which launched on July 14 from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre Second Launch Pad in Sriharikota, is India's second attempt to touchdown on the surface of the Moon. In its latest maneuver on July 17, the lander separated from the propulsion module and will now begin its descent towards the lunar south pole. Chandrayaan-3: DetailsThe Chandrayaan-3 comprises of 3 components - a lunar lander named Vikram, a rover named Pragyan, and the propulsion module. The names were retained from the previous Chandrayaan-2 mission which crashed on the lunar surface during its descent. On August 1, the spacecraft entered its transl...
Chandrayaan-3 highlights: Vikram Lander successfully completes first deboosting maneuver

Chandrayaan-3 highlights: Vikram Lander successfully completes first deboosting maneuver

[ad_1] Chandrayaan-3: ISRO is out on a mission to land an Indian spacecraft on the moon. After a successful launch and managing to ace the orbit around the moon, the mission has reached an advanced stage where the Vikram Lander will be lowered into an orbit just 30 kilometers from the Moon. Today, the Lander has successfully completed its first deboosting ...Read More Chandrayaan 3 details According to NASA, the propulsion module/communications relay satellite will remain in lunar orbit to enable communications with Earth. Chandrayaan 3 will also be used as a backup relay. The lander and rover are designed to operate for one lunar daylight period (about 14 Earth days). Goals of Chandrayaan-3 mission ...