Tag: chana saag recipe

Tried Chana Saag Yet? Make This Punjabi-Style Delicious Saag Recipe Before Winter Ends

Tried Chana Saag Yet? Make This Punjabi-Style Delicious Saag Recipe Before Winter Ends

[ad_1] Winter produce brims with fresh greens and that's one of the best things about this season. Whether it is aloo methi, bathua paratha or sarson ka saag, these green leafy vegetables warm up our soul and heart in this chilly weather. Sarsona ka saag is obviously the highlight of the winter diet. This Punjabi dish finds love all across the country. It is usually made with the mixture of sarsona, palak, bathua and more greens. Here is another saag recipe that is not too common like sarson ka saag but tastes just as good. Chana saag is another winter-special recipe that you must try while the season lasts. Plus it is healthy too.Chana Saag Benefits:Chana saag leaves are super rich is proteins. And this nutritious food brings in a host of vitamins, minerals and immunity-boosting antioxi...